Orange County NC Website
APPLICATION FOR MAJOR SUBDIVISION CONCEPT PLAN APPROVAL 9 <br />DATE: J Z <br />lS ' �� 9106 <br />SUBDIVISION NAME: <br />LOCATION: yN f 5 �F(t -R i i�oA % �� C �IATa -1� w. CovNrY l� 1 NE <br />OWNERIDEVELOPER: J b N F 5 PCa-R- i ? R-n PE -NE— 5 LL C- <br />r <br />ADDRESS: 2 Z q (-�) P U 5 PHONE # °� 1- 593_ 1 C)1" <br />Cµ NC- 5-1 (1 <br />AGENTICONTACT: PHONE # <br />A SUMMARY INFORMATION <br />PIN: ci 7s--7- ,3o�8�°3 v.�5 <br />Orange County Tax Map Block Lot(s) Twp _ Total acreage: <br />Zoning Ate Total Lots C� Bonus Units O Open Space O. 34 acres <br />Acreage in road right -of -way acres, Linear fe t in new roads, Public ✓ Private — Class <br />Adjacent zoning and land usexL — e510E1__)77A-L <br />Water Supply: Public (Provider: ), Community, or Individual <br />Wastewater Disposal: Public (Provider: ), Community, or >< Individual <br />Fire District: w (f'I7re C 2 0 55 School District n(?- NG, C CZ A) N TY <br />B, SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS <br />/ Orange County Tax Map showing the location of the subject property <br />Stamped envelopes addressed to each property owner within 500 feet of the subject property <br />-� Application fee ($250.00 + $5.0011ot) <br />�- Twenty -five (25) copies of the Concept Plan and Site Analysis Map at a scale not less than 1" =200' <br />IM Comparison of potential impacts of Conventional versus Flexible Development Plan (see reverse) <br />Applicants may submit a three -part Concept Plan including a Site Analysis Map, Conventional Subdivision Plan, and <br />a Flexible Development Plan OR a combined Site Analysis and Flexible Development Plan. Each Concept Plan <br />submittal must include the following information: <br />1. GENERAL INFORMATION: Each Site Analysis Map and Developmont Plan shall contain: <br />Sketch vicinity map <br />Plotted boundaries of the tract from deeds or recorded plats. <br />Total acreage to be subdivided <br />Tax map, block, and lot number reference <br />Name, address and telephone number of the subdivider the person responsible for the subdivision <br />design <br />Scale, north arrow, and date of plan preparation <br />Subdivision name <br />2. SITE ANALYSIS MAP - Refer to Section V -6.2. of the Subdivision Regulations <br />Primary Conservation Areas including: <br />✓ Ten -foot contours with slope analysis showing 7.5 %-15% slopes and slopes > 15% <br />Soil types from the USDA Soil Survey or a soils map prepared by a soil scientist <br />—� Hydrology including drainage patterns, wetlands, streams, ponds, floodplains, etc. <br />A14 Identified natural areas, habitats, and wildlife corridors <br />Historic and archaeological sites (National Register, Study List, local landmark, etc.) <br />W Secondary Conservation Areas including: <br />Vegetation including open and wooded areas described by dominant species and age <br />Current land use and land cover including pasture, cropland, structures, cemeteries, etc. <br />Scenic views on site as well as from the site to off -site features <br />Historic and archaeological sites <br />I l� Transportation and Utility Systems: <br />Railroad and road rights -of -way <br />Easements for roads and utilities <br />Public and private water and sewer lines, storm drainage facilities <br />