Orange County NC Website
14 <br />Patrick R. Mallett <br />From: Lynn Richardson <lynn.richardson> <br />Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2018 2:08 PM <br />To: Patrick R. Mallett <br />Subject: RE: Morgan Ridge First Plat Submittal <br />The Planning Board recommended approval of Morgan Ridge at last night's meeting. The only discussion was regarding the <br />location of 5 off -site septic systems in Morgan Ridge in relation to an adjacent property owners well. The systems will be the <br />maximum requirement of 100 feet from her existing well. The motion passed 8 -1 with one vote against because that Board <br />member does not like off -site septic systems. Morgan Ridge will be on the 16 BOC meeting agenda. Thanks, <br />Lynn W. Richardson <br />Land Planner 11 /Subdivision Administrator <br />919 -542 -8207 <br />lynn. rchardson @chathamnc. org <br />PLAN CHATHAM <br />'Working to pr +srrar S progress <br />Chatham County's 25 -year vision plan is underway! Check out more information at <br /> <br />In keeping with the NC Public Records Law, e- mails, including attachments, may be released to others upon request for inspection and copying <br />From: Patrick R. Mallett [mailto :pmallett] <br />Sent: Wednesday, March 7, 2018 8:33 AM <br />To: Lynn Richardson <lynn.richardson> <br />Subject: RE: Morgan Ridge First Plat Submittal <br />Lynn, <br />Our PB is tonight. Just checking in to see if there was anything relevant from your PB meeting last night. Thanks! <br />Very Respectfully, <br />Patrick R. Mallett, Planner II <br />Orange County Planning & Inspections Department <br />Phone: (919) 245 -2577 <br />Fax: (919) 644 -3022 <br />E -mail: pmallett <br />Orange County Planning Website: http: / / <br />Address <br />