Orange County NC Website
Conditions of Approval <br />Revised 8/06/14 <br />that the Brat approach to inspections and compliance will be enoceam/ul and that u good <br />working relationship can be established and maintained. <br />In undertaking this be aware of and observe He following <br />requirements of the Ordinance. <br />• PRIORITIES: Erosion and sediment control must be given equal, or greater if necessary, <br />priority with grading, construction, and other efforts to develop the site. A1 certain times <br />/for example, during initial construction and when repairs and maintenance are <br />required) erosion and sediment control will require more effort to ensure success. <br />• EXPIRATION: Erosion control plan approval expires if work does not begin within 18 <br />cuoutbo of the date of this letter. The land-disturbing permit expires with the plan <br />approval or two years after work begins. <br />• THE WEATHER: Assume that this site will get at least one 6-hour, 10-year storm event <br />(0.67 bubeo/bonr for 6 bmnrm) and be prepared to boodle the resulting runoff and <br />control the erosion it will cause on the site. D[ your site ia located within the NeuoeRiver <br />Basin, then erosion control measures must be designed to withstand the 25-year storm. <br />• INITIATIVE: '16 1[larkmide Lane LLC uznmt take the initiative in implementing the <br />erosion control plan. This includes seeing that the cmoabocdoo aegue000 is followed, <br />inspecting the iuobmIlmd devices, yedbrodog maintenance and iuebUiog additional <br />devices when necessary. Do not wait for Erosion [nnbwl personnel to discover <br />problems; their function is not to act as your construction inspector but to spot-check the <br />site for compliance with the approved plan. When Erosion Control personnel discover <br />problems and there has been no initiative on your part to make corrections, you will be <br />expected to make corrections immediately, usually within one or two days. <br />� OTHER APPROVALS AND PERMITS: This must comply with all local, State, <br />and Federal environmental laws. You must have all necessary applicable approvals (i.e., <br />zoning compliance, Department mdTransportation, US Army Corps of Engineers, Y4[ <br />Division of Water Resources, sewer and water, ehc.\ required tobegin this project anLbmt <br />work can continue uninterrupted to completion and there are no delays that will <br />increase erosion and sediment generation. If these approvals are not obtained and work <br />is onopmmled while waiting for them, the site will have to be stabilized oobl work <br />resumes. If m Land-disturbing permit has not been obtained, it is your responsibility to <br />ensure that Uio purchased before work begins. <br />v <br />PROPERTY LINES, CLEARING LIMITS, ETC.: 1.6 Paxkside Lane LLCie responsible <br />for determining where the property lines and clearing limits are, and for staying within <br />those boundaries. You are also responsible for locating, and protecting such things am <br />setbacks, water quality buffers, absorption field sites, flood plains, protected wetlands, <br />undisturbed areas, trees tube saved, etc. <br />S:\5_Erosion Control and Water Erosion Control and Water bvyear\Nm*Work <br />