Orange County NC Website
51 <br />approval calling for public roads for this project (as originally proposed by the applicant), If they <br />do not approve same, it is unclear to me what will have to occur to address the matter <br />Michael D. Harvey AICP, CFM, CZO <br />Current Planning Supervisor — Planner III <br />Orange County Planning Department <br />131 West Margaret Lane <br />PO Box 81.81 <br />(91.9) 245-2597 (phone) <br />(919) 644-3002 (fax) <br />Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 132, correspondence sent and received from this <br />account is a public record and may be disclosed to third parties. <br />From: Danny Jones [tnaiLtQLmayolake@.gLiiail.coiTi] <br />Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 8:14 AM <br />To: Peter Bellantoni; Chuck Edwards Contact; Craig Benedict; Michael Harvey; Patrick R. Mallett <br />Subject: Triple Crown Farms, Orange County NC Final Plat Approval <br />To All Parties Involved, <br />Triple Crown Farms is very close to paving the roads, and my goal is to get final plat <br />approval for the roads to be private. I appreciate input from all of you to make this <br />happen in a timely manner. <br />As you are aware, on September 28, 2017, Peter Bellantoni & myself went to Raleigh and <br />met with Chuck Edwards and a group of his engineers. We discussed creek crossings, <br />right of way issues and retaining walls. Upon leaving that meeting, we agreed that <br />NCDOT did not want to take the roads over due to creek crossings which were dictated <br />by the Army Corp of Engineers. It is my understanding that the Army Corp of Engineers <br />and NCDOT are not on the same page. Originally, the preliminary plat was approved by <br />Orange County commissioners based on state maintained roads. <br />Now I seek to get final plat approval for private roads. Who needs to sign off on this and <br />how soon can we get this done? I would also like to mention that I have documentation <br />from Summit Engineering and Modulus Engineering stating that all roads and bridges <br />were built to state specs. <br />Bottom line here is that I have resubmitted my application, and it is my understanding <br />that I need the blessing of the Orange County commissioners to sign off on private roads <br />(vs State roads) and now I am told that NCDOT needs to sign off on this as well. <br />I appreciate a response from all parties. <br />Thank you, <br />Danny Jones <br />