Orange County NC Website
14 <br />CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Send all suspicious email asanattachment <br />to <br />Chuck, <br />With regard to your comments below regarding the improvements requested by the Orange County Fire <br />Marshal's office, attached please find an amended exhibit for your review/comment. The exhibit has removed <br />the gravel along the shoulder of Dairyland Road and now identifies that the existing gravel driveway will heused <br />to allow the Fire Department to access the existing hydrant. Please let mp know if this proposal is acceptable to <br />your office. |f you have any question please feel free to contact me. <br />Thank you, <br />Pete <br />Pennoni <br />4Oz Providence Road, Suite Z0U| Chapel Hill, NCl75z4 <br />Direct: 919-230-9214 | Mobile: 919-609-6111 <br />From: Edwards, Charles N <br />Sent: Wednesday, July 19,2O179:59AM <br />To: Peter Bellantoni Jones, DeAn8e|nJ< Jason Shepherd <br />D�v8�d�u�(� Subject: RE: 20170202 Fire Flow Test for Triple Crown Farms - Dairyland Road <br />m <br />Apologies the 11. hour on this. |nreading the e-mail thread, there appears to have been <br />considerable conversation about access to the OWASA hydrant at this location. While I completely understand <br />and support the need for adequate access to this hydrant, I'm concerned about unintended consequences of the <br />proposed 12'X40' gravel pad on the shoulder of Dairyland Road. Specifically, I am concerned about the <br />maintenance implications of loose gravel kicked out on the pavement and safety impacts to high bicycle traffic <br />volumes. |t does not appear that the existing shoulder has sufficient width to accommodate the truck without <br />encroaching in a lane. Also the pad may become a popular pull off or parking area for the general public that <br />may be difficult to control. In keeping with our recommendations to volunteer fire departments for rural water <br />point access, | request that you consider alternatives that more safely accommodate fire truck access and <br />minimize impacts to the road and traffic. Modification of the existing driveway throat to allow vehicles to <br />completely pull off the pavement is suggested. Happy to have additional conversation with the stakeholders to <br />arrive at the best solution. <br />Charles N. Edwards Jr., PE (Chuck) <br />District Engineer <br />N. C. Department ofTransportation <br />Division of Highways <br />Division 7, District 1 <br />115 East Crescent Square Drive <br />P. O. Box 766 <br />Graham, NC27253 <br /><image003.pnO> <br />