Orange County NC Website
53 <br />Technical Review Committee Comments <br />Morgan Ridge Subdivision ( formerly Vista Grande Subdivision) <br />Prepared by Warren D Mitchell PE <br />August 16, 2017 <br />1. Fire Chief —John Strowd: Can the existing pond be used as afire point/ waters upply? <br />Chief Strowd and I met at the site to see the existing pond. Chief Strowd <br />thought that the size and depth of the pond would make it unsuitable for a <br />fire point. He stated that the fire department would not be interested in using <br />it. <br />2. Drew Blake: Has the Corps of engineers reviewed the site and completed the Jurisdictional <br />Determination yet? Did the Corps address the existing pond? <br />The Corps wrote the JD letter on July 21. The existing pond is called out in the <br />report at 'non- jurisdictional' which allows it to be filled in. <br />3. Planning: Connect the proposed road to adjacent property in the back / south side. <br />Stream buffers can be included now in the lot area and count toward the <br />minimum size lot. Add the proposed septic system forcemain easements to the <br />first plat. The cul -de -sac radius should be 55 feet. Since the road enters in <br />Orange County, which NCDOT office will address the driveway permit? What is <br />the process in Orange County for the road approval? <br />The subdivision road has been stubbed out to the rear property line. The <br />stream buffer area has been added to the net lot area. The proposed septic <br />system forcemain easements have been added to the plat. The cul -de -sac <br />radius is called out. The NCDOT offices in Asheboro (Chatham County) and <br />Graham (Orange County) will coordinate the approval. I have talked to both <br />assistance District Engineers and both will review the plans. This situation is <br />not uncommon and will be coordinated with both offices. I attached an email <br />from Orange County Planning. The process will take a few months for review. <br />4. Env. Health Send the soil scientist's report to Thomas Boyce. Send the General <br />Environmental Documentation report to Brian Burkhart. <br />The soil scientist's report was sent to Thomas and the Env. Documentation <br />report was sent to Brian. <br />