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the Durham-Chapel Hill-CarrboroMetropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO), and to <br />require developer action consistent with the plan. <br />The Eno Economic Development District (EDD) Area Small Area Plan(adopted June 24, 2008; <br />amended February 3, 2009) recommended the approval of an access management program for <br />US 70 and Old NC Hwy 10 to provide better transportation systems and capacities as <br />development proceeds in the area. <br />Since adoption, Eno EDD Area Small Area Planrecommendations have been implemented in <br />preparation for economic development in the Eno EDD areaincluding: <br />x Land Use Plan Map amendments <br />x Pre-zoningof land <br />x Unified Development Ordinance <br />(UDO) amendmentsfor EDD districts <br />x An inter-local utility service <br />agreement with Durham <br />x Workhas begun on a public water <br />and sewer master plan <br />x Planning for a cross-county bus route <br />x Striping two feet from the shoulders <br />of Old NC Hwy.10for bicyclists <br />x I-85/US 70 interchange concept plan <br />was drafted by NCDOT <br />x I-85 widening project and US 70 <br />interchange project have been <br />entered in the State’s Transportation <br />Improvement Program (TIP) for <br />implementation in a post develop- <br />ment program. <br />The study area for the proposed access management plan comprises approximately 980 acres <br />of landin the vicinity of US Highway 70 and Old NCHighway 10 (near Durham County).As <br />properties are developed for non-residential land uses within the Eno EDD, transportation <br />interconnectivity and access will become increasingly important, enhancingthe importance of a <br />formally adopted access management plan for the area. <br />The proposed access managementplan examines the US 70 and Old NC Hwy.10 corridors <br />within the Eno EDD and recommendsan access management concept to best meet local <br />conditions while maintaining the functionality of these important arterial facilities for current and <br />future traffic. The improvement of the functionality of these arterials to serve both commuting <br />and travelling traffic together with serving the businesses and residences along these routes is <br />of high local and strategic importance as future development proceeds in the Eno EDD. <br />Indicators of the area’s future development potential include previously adopted changes to the <br />existing zoning and future land use designations.The scope of the Plan does not include any <br />revisions to the area’szoning or future land use designations, but does review what was <br />previously adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. <br />September 18 OUTBoard Meeting: <br />At its September 18th meeting the OUTBoard received a brief introduction to the Draft Eno <br />EDD Access Management Planin preparation for its review and recommendation at tonight’s <br />meeting. <br />Attachment 1, is theAmendment form, approved by the BOCC on May 7, 2013, outlining the <br />rationale, process, and implications of the development and adoption of the Eno Economic <br />Development District (EDD) Access Management Plan.It contains additional information and <br />analysis on the proposed plan, as well as details regarding the timeframe for the process. <br />8