Orange County NC Website
(;&(5372)PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION & RAIL 352-(&7'(6&5,37,216)5207+(&737(&+1,&$/5(3257 <br />There are currently no existing rail facilities or recommendations within the CTP planning area; Orange County’s existing <br />rail lines are contained within the MPO areas. <br />Bus Routes <br />“The Bus and Rail Investment Plan in Orange County”, adopted by the Orange County Board of County Commissioners <br />on October 2, 2012, was utilized in the development of the bus element of the Orange County CTP. The CTP bus <br />Recommendations are listed below. More detailed information regarding “The Bus and Rail Investment Plan in Orange <br />County” is available through Orange County. <br />x Local ID ORAN0001-T:Bus route along NC 54 from Alamance County to Neville Road (SR 1945) (the DCHC <br />MPO boundary). The draft DCHC MPO 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and CTP identifies this <br />recommendation as Express Bus projects B6a and B6b. <br />x Local ID ORAN0002-T:Bus route along NC 86 from Coleman Loop Road (SR 1334) (the DCHC MPO boundary) <br />to Caswell County. <br />Park-and-Ride Lots <br />The CTP proposes the following potential park-and-ride lots to provide access to the proposed bus routes (ORAN0001-T <br />and ORAN0002-T). All locations are based on current available information and are subject to change based on further <br />study in the future. In addition,specific information such as number of spaces, surface of lot, and additional amenities <br />would be developed at a later date. The CTP recommendation identifies general areas where lots are anticipated to be <br />needed, with the intent of initially small lots with relatively minor amenities that grow as ridership increases. <br />x Local ID ORAN0003-T:The CTP project proposal is to provide a park-and-ride lot at the intersection of NC 54 and <br />White Cross Road (SR 1951). This project would provide access to the bus routealong NC 54 (ORAN0001-T), for <br />users of both vehicles and bicycles. <br />x Local ID ORAN0004-T:The CTP project proposal is to provide a park-and-ride lot at the Cedar Grove Park on NC <br />86.This project would provide access to the bus route along NC 86, for usersof both vehicles and bicycles <br />(ORAN0001-B). <br />$'237('5(9,6,216727+(&7338%/,&75$163257$7,21$1'5$,/0$3$1'352-(&76 <br />3DJH,,3XEOLF7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ 5DLO3UREOHP6WDWHPHQWV 3URMHFW'HVFULSWLRQV ±$GGDVWDWHPHQWWR <br />WKHUDLOGLVFXVVLRQVWDWLQJWKDWWKHGHYHORSPHQWRIFRPPXWHUUDLOOLQHVLQWKH032DUHDVZLOOKDYHDWUDIILF <br />LPSDFWRQVXUURXQGLQJµIHHGHU¶URXWHVWKDWPD\QHHGWREHDGGUHVVHG <br />36 <br />turntoAgen