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D R A F T <br />Craig Benedictgave an overview of the plan and map.Highlights include the creation of a rail station in Hillsborough, 56 <br />10% will come the BRIP and the rest would come from state and federal funds. New and expanded bus services is 57 <br />part of the plan and will amount to an additional 40,000 hours by 2026 with 8,000 hours to be used in the first five 58 <br />years. 59 <br />60 <br />Craig Benedict toldthe OUTBoardthat its rolemay comewhen monies come in to TTA or OPT to suggest or 61 <br />prioritizewhere fundsmay best be spent.Craig also talked about the implementation agreement which is between 62 <br />three parties, Orange County, Triangle Transit who is the implementing agency, and the DCHC and BG MPOs.63 <br />Triangle Transit will be receiving all monies collected but each year they will report to the Commission and 64 <br />participants will be invited, municipalities, etc. and the questions can be asked at that time. Craig discussed an east- 65 <br />west route to connect the western side of Orange County to Hillsborough, Chapel Hill and Durham and coordinating 66 <br />with Piedmont Area Rapid Transit (PART). 67 <br />68 <br />Alex Castro asked if there are any plans to combine the Chapel Hill Transit EZ Rider with OPT that makes more 69 <br />sense in terms of staging and shorter trip times, etc.70 <br />71 <br />Craig Benedict responded that the both the boards of Chapel Hill and Orange County have responded that they 72 <br />would like to take a look at a potential OPT/CHT consolidationbetween those two agencies for efficiency. There is a 73 <br />grant that was acquired from DOT/Public Transit Division to study that issue and a consulting firm was hired to 74 <br />analyze both systems and it has taken over two yearsto produce a draft report. Craig remarked that at some point 75 <br />he would like the consultant to come and speak to the OUTBoard. 76 <br />77 <br />Jeff Charles suggested that if you use percentages of rider increase, etc. it means more to the public than saying that 78 <br />there will be X more hours added, X more buses, etc.79 <br />80 <br />David Bonk gave an update on the proposed Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) noting that an alternatives analysis will be 81 <br />done and a Request for Proposals (RFP) will be out in April.and once selected it will take about 18 months for the 82 <br />consultants to perform that work. He also noted that the Town of Chapel Hill has initiated a Small Area Plan for the 83 <br />area around Estes Drive/Martin Luther King Blvd. and through that process they arevery aware of the fact that they 84 <br />are adjacent to that BRT corridor and what decisions they make about land use will have a direct impact on the 85 <br />Town’s ability to meet the federal requirements. Those requirements have a veryheavy emphasis onnot simply 86 <br />having good intentions with regard to coordinating land use and transportation but actually adopting plans and in the 87 <br />best case scenario, actually having projects that have been built based on those plans. 88 <br />89 <br />Paul Guthrie noted that while everyone thinks light rail is a wonderful thing and in his opinion a necessary thing by 90 <br />2030,we don’t have to go there at this point but what can have a major impact is how we carefully decide where to 91 <br />put in bus services, where the connection points are located between routes so all this interchange can be made to 92 <br />expedite and also look at a fewthings relative to the light rail system that perhaps need to be worked on such as 93 <br />terminating the light rail system at memorial hospitals. It would have been smarter to curl it around so that it came up 94 <br />somewhere near the rail routeandcome in to Carrboro on the hard rail system, because sooner or later hard rail will 95 <br />run between Greensboro and Raleigh. The major work that is already underway on the track between Durham and 96 <br />Raleigh tells you that. One of the key ingredients for Orange County is to get the rail station in Hillsborough done 97 <br />and use the parking facilities as a connection point for bus service and other kinds of services for connections. Build 98 <br />that into the fabric of the community and then you are ready for the more sophisticated systems. Paul continued that 99 <br />54 is a major feeder and as PART can’t service it, the area of Mt. Carmel Rd./Stagecoach Rd. is becoming the 100 <br />bypass for commuters and truckers to skip around the problems on I-40 and Chatham County. This is going to be 101 <br />increasing,sending traffic northbound and needs to be considered. 102 <br />103 <br />104 <br />AGENDA ITEM VI: REGULAR AGENDA105 <br />Next Steps for Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Plan Adoption and Implementation. 106 <br />OUTBoard Action:To receive information in preparation for future OUTBoard role.107 <br />108 <br />This item was moved to the April meeting due to time constraints.109 <br />110 <br />10 <br />ReturntoAgenda