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D R A F T <br />Ted Triebel: This problem has existed for decades in this county. My question is whether there would beany 280 <br />documentation as to havethis proven to be a problem in 5 out of 100, etc. Is this a problem or not?281 <br />282 <br />Elizabeth Gregory: As far as documentation, I believe the fire departments, when they do their incident reports to 283 <br />the state or fire marshal they documentif they had an access issue. We have not pulled the actual statistics. If we 284 <br />can’t access one person, one house,itis a huge issue.We can research thatinformation. 285 <br />286 <br />Ted Triebel: Anytime we make a big change, thereneeds to be a data to back it up. 287 <br />288 <br />Paul Guthrie: As I understand the recommendation, you are asking this Boardto tell the BOCC to have staff to take 289 <br />a look at this issue.290 <br />291 <br />Abigaile Pittman: We are saying if you agreewith staff’s recommendations,then recommend to the BOCC that they 292 <br />have the staffcontinue to research it. 293 <br />294 <br />MOTION made by Jeff Charles to accept recommendations for the staff with the addition of the emergency access 295 <br />for trailsystems. Seconded by Alex Castro.296 <br />VOTE:Unanimous297 <br />298 <br />Ted Triebel: I live right by Little River Park which is a joint Durham/Orange County Park. We can look at those type 299 <br />parks to say, this is what we accept as risks and this is what we think we shouldn’t accept.300 <br />301 <br />302 <br />AGENDA ITEM V: STAFF UPDATES303 <br />a.Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Action Plan304 <br />OUTBoard Action: Receive updates305 <br />306 <br />Abigaile Pittman: Last night, the BOCC adopted the Safe Routes to School Action Plan. The next step is we will be 307 <br />establishing a committee for implementation activities and they will be planning staff from Orange County, from the 308 <br />Town of Hillsborough, someone from the School Board, the original steering committee and one or twomembers309 <br />from the OUTBoard. 310 <br />311 <br />312 <br />AGENDA ITEM VI: BOARD COMMENTS313 <br />OUTBoard Action:Receive commentsand participate in discussion.314 <br />a.Chair initiated a comment session regarding Board members’ thoughts on the 315 <br />following potential topics:316 <br />i.Critical transportation issues for Orange County, now and into the future.317 <br />ii.The role of the OUTBoard in the examining of the difficulties in transportation 318 <br />planning brought about by the programmatic fragmentation of current 319 <br />transportation planning and funding.320 <br />iii.Improved OUTBoard engagement of Orange County residents’ transportation 321 <br />concerns.322 <br />iv.Improving OUTBoard advisory service to the Board of County Commissioners.323 <br />v.Agenda development.324 <br />vi.The role of each member of the Board.325 <br />vii.Meeting format, including presentations and member participation.326 <br />327 <br />OUTBoard Action: Receive comments and participate in discussion.328 <br />329 <br />Paul Guthrie: I would like to pose several questions for the Boardto considerover the next several meetings:income 330 <br />and housing locations, work locations, school locations, affordable housing, income diversity, a discombobulating of331 <br />transportation planning and providers, public and private, a lack of resources in revenue and authority statutory for 332 <br />the city and county, the state governments role and responsibility and the costs and uncertainty of the future. The 333 <br />role of the OUTBoard in examining the difficulties in transportation planning brought about by the programmatic 334 <br />fragmentation of our current transportation planning of funding in private and public. Also, improved OUTBoard 335 <br />8 <br />ReturntoAgenda