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Information collected during the outreach process, via public meetings, surveys, and interviews, <br />was used to develop and refine draft program goals for OrangePublic Transit (OPT) and <br />Triangle Transit (TTA). TTA’sdraft goals are included in Attachment 1, the OCBRIP Progress <br />Report. Itshould be noted that the TTA Board of Trustees ultimately sets the goals for its <br />transit system. Alternatively, the BOCC sets the goals for the OPT system. Draft goals for the <br />OPT system were prepared by staff and are provided in Attachment 2. The OPT goals will be <br />included in the draft Central and Rural Orange County Five-Year Bus Service Expansion <br />Program that the BOCC willreview in March-April2014.Staff is seeking OUTBoardcomments <br />on whether the lists of goals correctly represents the OPT transit systems, but also for any <br />prioritization of, or emphasis on certain goals. <br />Attachment 3is the Five-Year Bus Service Expansion Recommendation Notesgenerally <br />describing staff-recommended routes for service expansion, and includes currently unfunded <br />priorities. Attachments 4 and5provide a more detailed table forthe recommended routesand <br />anassociated map.Staff is seeking OUTBoard comments and support of the staff- <br />recommended Five-Year Bus Service Expansion program for Central and Rural Orange County. <br />For the OUTBoard’s consideration, staff has provided Attachment 6,a Draft Resolution <br />Supporting Five-Year Bus Service Expansion Recommendations. <br />Additional background documents such as the adopted OCPRIP can be found via the following <br />link, listed under Transportation Documents: <br /> <br />NEXT STEPS: <br />1.February 2014: Staff will develop draft Five-Year Bus Service Expansion Program <br />2.March/April 2014: Presentation of draft bus program to the BOCC <br />3.April/May 2014: Approval of final bus program by the BOCC <br />4.May/June 2014:a. Amendment to the adopted OCBRIP financial plan; and <br /> b. Project timing/update <br />5.Summer 2014/January 2015: Begin implementing first year expansion services <br />RECOMMENDATIONS:The Planning Directorrecommends the OUTBoard: <br />1.Recommend approval ofthe Draft OPT system goals to the BOCC, to include any <br />additional comments the OUTBoard might have; and <br />2.Recommend approval of the Plan the Five-Year Bus Service Expansion Program <br />recommendations to the BOCC, to include any additional comments the OUTBoard <br />might have. <br />8