OUTBoard agenda 021914
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange Unified Transportation Board
OUTBoard agenda 021914
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3/26/2018 11:35:39 AM
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3/26/2018 11:34:43 AM
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OUTBoard minutes 021914
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D R A F T <br />Abigaile Pittman responded that the maximum distance is 2 miles.55 <br />56 <br />Paul Guthrie asked about the distance for busing and Don Wollum asked about the greatest distance for busing.57 <br />58 <br />Abigaile Pittman referred the Board to the map and advised that it shows the traveling distances.59 <br />60 <br />Nancy Baker advised the Board that the County also buses students based on ‘hazard’ and literally have students 61 <br />who live across the street from the school who are bussed because it is not safe for them the cross the road. 62 <br />Additionally this program will make it accessible for walkers and bikesnot only for the elementary students but also 63 <br />for the high school students at both Cedar Ridge and Orange High School as they are beside two of the chosen 64 <br />elementary schools.Nancy noted there are also large apartment complexes within easy walking distance from 65 <br />Grady Brown and some facilities there are going to help alarge group of children. She noted that with Cameron Park 66 <br />being in downtown Hillsborough the benefits will include a lot of the residents.67 <br />68 <br />Pascale Mittendorf noted that many children within walking distance are driven which creates a lot of traffic 69 <br />congestion. That is especially a concern with Cameron Park as therea bad corner on a hill with limited line of sight. 70 <br />It is a dangerous location.71 <br />72 <br />Paul Guthrie commented that he was not involved in the placement of the schools but he was involved very heavily in 73 <br />the placement of 2 schools in the Chapel Hill district and he does not remember any time that they talked about the 74 <br />issueof walking to school. He said the only issue was the driving issue and the only place you could put a school 75 <br />with the acreage required was out where there aren’t any people. He noted that the system has been built where the 76 <br />schools are located are out away from the towns,so he is very enthusiastic about the request.77 <br />78 <br />Holly Reid agreed that the short term costs of locating schools where it is less expensive but then there is the great 79 <br />long term cost for busing in the County system. She pointed out that the project also helps the afterschool and extra-80 <br />circular activities, and since the facility are available for public use it also benefits that use not just before and after 81 <br />school but multiple times a day and weekends.82 <br />83 <br />Abigaile Pittman noted that in the process of meeting with DOT regarding the maintenance the facilities there will 84 <br />need to be a contract with the Town of Hillsborough to provide that maintenance. This will be one of the discussions 85 <br />at the joint meeting between the BOCC and the Town of Hillsborough in February. The final decision on the Plan will 86 <br />be postponed until after that meeting has been held. She noted it could a March or AprilBOCC meeting.87 <br />88 <br />Jeff Charles noted that if there are going to be bicycle lanes or bicycle areas there has to be maintenance in those 89 <br />area that involves running a power brush over them to get debris, gravel, broken glass, etc. 90 <br />91 <br />Abigaile Pittman advised she would make sure it was included in the discussion. She also told the group that Grady 92 <br />Brown School went into the projectlist for the DCHC MPO, who is allowed to submit 20 bike/ped projects up to DOT, 93 <br />and Grady Brown made it as number 19. 94 <br />95 <br />Nancy Baker asked Abigaile ifthat included the overpass and was told that it does.96 <br />97 <br />Ted Triebel asked if there was any effort to prioritize between the three schools as to which one should go forward 98 <br />first. He noted that the possibility of gettingfunding for all three was slim and Abigaile Pittman responded that the 99 <br />Grady Brown projects have been prioritizedby the BOCC.100 <br />101 <br />Abigaile Pittman noted that Hillsborough submitted the Cameron Parkprojects as a packagebut it wasn’t accepted 102 <br />as one of the 20 projects.103 <br />104 <br />Alex Castro asked if the County would have to pay for 20% of the costs of the Grady Brown project.105 <br />106 <br />Abigaile Pittman responded that there is a lot of money left over that was not obligated because very few of the plan 107 <br />are ready right now if this project can get there first with an adopted plan and constructability with DOT resolved and 108 <br />cost estimates that are fairly accurate, with the fact that the County has staff engineers that can lay out some pre-109 <br />3
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