Orange County NC Website
the extent possible, medical appointment trips are grouped by geographic area per weekday, <br />and the destination is the closest provider. All EDTAP service recipients are required to provide <br />a copay/fare of $3.00 per one-way trip. Copayments are utilized to fund additional eligible trips <br />beyond those that are supported by the State EDTAP grant. <br />The majority of the $31,620 allocation for the Employment Transportation Assistance program <br />will be made available for the Department of Social Services’ use in assisting former Work First <br />participants or other low-income persons certified for Medicaid or Food Stamps with <br />employment-related transportation. The funds may be used to fund transportation to a qualified <br />recipient’s workplace, job interviews, job fairs, job readiness activities, or GED classes. The <br />funds may also be used to transport the children of a qualified recipient to child care. <br />OPT has provided rural general public transportation on a seat-available basis for many years <br />on three (3) deviated fixed-routes (one Hillsborough area route and two transfer routes from the <br />Chapel Hill area) that are also designed to provide transportation to work opportunities and <br />programs for persons with developmental disabilities. RGP funds have also been used in the <br />past to fund the Route 420 midday service (Hillsborough to Chapel Hill shuttle); however, this <br />service, which is now known as the Orange-Chapel Hill Midday Connector, is no longer eligible <br />to make use of RGP funding due to the expansion of the Durham Urbanized Area (UZA) <br />boundary that encompasses stop locations associated with the service that were previously <br />located outside the UZA boundary. RGP funds are ineligible for use within UZAs. The RGP <br />Program funds transportation for persons living outside the urbanized area boundary. With the <br />increase in size of the UZA boundary and corresponding decrease in the area of the county <br />considered rural, the revised formula results in a ~9.5% reduction in RGP funding to Orange <br />County. The FY 2016 RGP allocation is $63,558. <br />RECOMMENDATIONS: Receive and review information, and provide comments. <br />16