OUTBoard agenda 052015
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange Unified Transportation Board
OUTBoard agenda 052015
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3/26/2018 11:22:19 AM
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3/26/2018 11:20:56 AM
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OUTBoard minutes 052015
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D R A F T <br />Craig Benedict: About the expansion of the OPT system, in the past 10 years, there has not been anything new but now we 108 <br />have new funding sources from a few different locations. Another funding source is 5311, which is a rural community 109 <br />transpiration system. There are also 5307 funds for urban areas. 110 <br />111 <br />Paul Gutherie: The theme of your April meeting is the kickoff of a large expansion in service. 112 <br />113 <br />Craig Benedict: We want to rebrand OPT having it work well with all the other transit providers. As an interim measure we 114 <br />will order generic bus signs with an Orange County symbol until we brand them with their own symbol. 115 <br />116 <br />Bret Martin: Review of Endorsement of BOCC Action: OPT Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Plan. 117 <br />118 <br />Janice Tyler: For seniors our social work staff could approve folks for Chapel Hill Easy Rider; would ya'll consider that here,119 <br />that our team could certify someone without seeing a medical provider? 120 <br />121 <br />Bret Martin: I can’t answer that. Continued review. 122 <br />123 <br />Tom Magnuson: Can we make changes at this late date? 124 <br />125 <br />Bret Martin: If it is something that is definitely governed by the plan adopted by the BOCC, then the answer is no but 126 <br />something that would result in an administrative decision, then yes. 127 <br />128 <br />Tom Magnuson: I took issue with the appeal process. From the user standpoint, that will be uncomfortable. The people 129 <br />who rejected me are going to evaluate the rejection. 130 <br />131 <br />Bret Martin: We run into issues of decisions being made by people who do not meet often enough. 132 <br />133 <br />Paul Gutherie: Is there a hearing officer independent of the operating departments? 134 <br />135 <br />Craig Benedict: If someone disagrees with my decision, it will go to the Board of Adjustment. I would keep a record of 136 <br />comments.137 <br />138 <br />Ted Triebel: Regarding the expanded service into Alamance County, was there cooperation between the two counties, and 139 <br />is there a funding source from Alamance County to OPT? 140 <br />141 <br />Bret Martin: The answer to your second question is no. The answer to your first question is yes. 142 <br />143 <br />MOTION made by Heidi Perry to endorse the resolution as modified by the BOCC and that we revisit the issues 144 <br />of fares and complaints procedures three months after the beginning of the system and at three month intervals. 145 <br />Seconded by ___________ 146 <br />147 <br />Alex Castro: You said revisit, I think the subject of further study is those issues you mentioned. We need to 148 <br />spend time looking at provision and coming up with more definitive words. 149 <br />150 <br />Paul Gutherie: Would you accept the idea the OUTBoard would continue to look at these issues for procedural 151 <br />and administrative changes? 152 <br />153 <br />MOTION made by Heidi Perry to endorse the resolution as modified by the BOCC and that we revisit the issues 154 <br />of fares and complaints procedures for procedural and administrative changes three months after the beginning 155 <br />of the system and at three month intervals. Seconded by ___________ 156 <br />VOTE: Unanimous 157 <br />158 <br />Bret Martin: Review of Endorsement of BOCC Action: OPT Title VI of the Civil Rights Act Plan. Title VI prohibits 159 <br />discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial 160 <br />assistance. Introduction to the Title VI Plan to be provided at the meeting. 161 <br />162 <br />Heidi Perry: When someone completes this form, where does it go? 163 <br />164 12
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