Orange County NC Website
ORANGE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION ADA PARATRANSIT PLAN <br /> <br />8 <br /> <br />may be full or conditional based on the day or functional ability to make trips. If applicants <br />are not notified within the 21-day timeframe, they are presumed eligible and provided <br />service until such time a determination is made. All applications are updated annually. Once <br />a determination of approval is made, the registrant/passenger is added to an eligibility list <br />and can begin scheduling trips. <br />Personal Care Attendants/Traveling Companions: <br />The need for a PCA must be noted during the application process. PCAs are not charged a <br />fare for accompanying an eligible registrant. In addition to a PCA, registrants may have one <br />traveling companion accompany them who pay the price paid by the ADA registrant. <br />Additional traveling companions are allowed on a space-available basis only and are <br />subject to the ADA fare. Traveling companions and PCAs must have the same origin and <br />destination as the customer. <br />Visitors to the Transit System: <br />ADA transportation service is provided to eligible visitors. Visitors are presumed eligible for <br />service after providing documentation of their ADA paratransit eligibility in the jurisdiction <br />within which they reside. If a visitor is unable to provide this documentation, documentation <br />of the applicant’s place of residence is required as well as documentation of his/her <br />disability if the disability is not readily apparent. These persons are additionally required to <br />sign a certification that they are unable to use fixed-route transit. <br />ADA paratransit is provided to eligible visitors for no more than 21 days during a rolling 365- <br />day period. After 21 days of service within this timeframe, applicants/registrants are <br />required to complete OPT’s full eligibility process, which involves completing an application <br />and providing professional documentation of ADA transportation eligibility. <br />Determination of Ineligibility and Appeals: <br />If it is determined that a person is not eligible for ADA service, he/she is notified in writing of <br />the reason(s) in a denial letter and will be given 60 days to appeal the decision. If a request <br />for appeal is received, OPT must render a decision within 30 days. Services are not <br />provided during this review process. Instructions for appeal that are provided to applicants <br />that are determined ineligible for ADA paratransit service are provided in Exhibit 6. <br />The administrative appeals process provides the applicant the opportunity to be heard and <br />to present information to a third party not involved in the initial determination. The County’s <br />designated hearing/appeals officer is the OPT Administrator, who is not involved in initial <br />eligibility determinations. A date, time, and location for the meeting to discuss the <br />applicant’s appeal are sent to the applicant by mail within five (5) working days of the <br />appeal request being received. The meeting is held and a decision rendered within the <br />required 30 days. Should a decision not be rendered within 30 days, the applicant is <br />provided ADA service after the 30-day period until such time a decision is reached. The <br />applicant is not provided service during the 30-day appeal period. <br />16 <br />ReturntoAgenda