OUTBoard minutes 111616
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange Unified Transportation Board
OUTBoard minutes 111616
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Last modified
3/26/2018 11:02:46 AM
Creation date
3/26/2018 11:02:19 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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OUTBoard Agenda 111616
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Approved 1.18.17 <br />4 <br />way dedication a statutory right that North Carolina towns have but not counties. Therefore, crafting this linkage156 <br />between our access management plan(s) and the CTP/MTP documents is away to ensure ourright to require right-157 <br />of-way dedication at the time of development, as warranted. The revised CTP/MTP documents are being approved 158 <br />by the MPO’s and RPO’s. Jeff Charles was concerned that legislature was going to have a problem with this and 159 <br />inquired if this had been done before. Abigaile Pittman confirmed that the process had already been approved by 160 <br />NCDOT and as they are the ones that created it it’s also already approved in the Burlington/Graham MPO and is 161 <br />going forward next year for the DCHCMPO. And Max Bushell also confirmed they’ve done their due diligence and 162 <br />checked through various lawyers.163 <br />164 <br />Abigaile Pittman continued presentation. 165 <br />166 <br />Abigaile Pittman was reviewing the list of items of concerns or emerging issues that they want the BOCC to be aware 167 <br />of, and wanted to know how the Board wanted to word their efforts on Safe Routes to School. Heidi Perry suggested 168 <br />titling it “Pursue implementation opportunities for Safe Routes to School”. 169 <br />170 <br />Alex Castro inquired about researchfor funding. Abigaile Pittman explained that it didn’t have to be federal, just any 171 <br />kinds of funding sources, which could even be County. 172 <br />173 <br />Jeff Charles inquired about the light rail and pointed out how it keeps being delayed year after year, and inquired 174 <br />about all the money that was going into it. Max Bushell explained that they’re 15% short of funding right now, which is 175 <br />about 200 million dollars. Jeff Charles asked what will happen to the money when the plan just doesn’t go through. 176 <br />Max Bushell answered that some of the money has been expended in the process of trying to get it built but not all of 177 <br />it. He went on to say that essentially there will be a new plan developed to achieve the samepurpose and that it’s 178 <br />something they’re working on but the process has been set back a couple of years. 179 <br />180 <br />Abigaile Pittman reviewed item 4. 181 <br />182 <br />Jeff Charles questioned whether the bicycle related things should be kept on there due to the fact that state 183 <br />legislatures have taken away current and future funding for it. Heidi Perry suggested leaving it on there just in case 184 <br />there is funding that becomesavailable to bicycle related things. Heidi Perry also inquired about why electric bikes 185 <br />were separated. Abigaile Pittman explained that it was a carryover from last year. It was agreed to take them out. 186 <br />187 <br />Abigaile Pittman referred to the item “To work with NCDOT to promote funding of pedestrian and bicycle projects in 188 <br />rural areas to a greater degree”. Jeff Charles commented that they need to come up with some issues that they have189 <br />some chance to be successful with. Alex Castro made an item addition suggestion regarding a commuter rail going 190 <br />from Garner to West Durham. He proposed that they find a way to make an extension of the currently planned 191 <br />commuter rail from West Durham to the Hillsborough Amtrak state. He added that Hillsborough’s population if going 192 <br />to doublewith everything planned and there could be a lot of people very interested in having that service.It was 193 <br />agreed to call it “Explore expansion of commuter rail”. 194 <br />195 <br />Jeff Charles recommended point 4 be modified regardingconnectivity between Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and Bicycle 196 <br />Pedestrian Plans. 197 <br />198 <br />MOTION by Art Menius to approve the Work Plan for 2017withthe discussed revisions, andwith item 4 being 199 <br />modified to address connectivity and infrastructural changes. Seconded by Alex Castro.200 <br />VOTE:UNANIMOUS201 <br />202 <br />6.B.NEXT OUTBOARD MEETING DATE -(ABIGAILE PITTMAN)203 <br />204 <br />Abigaile Pittman suggested that the Board not meet in December due to the holidays and the lack of agenda items 205 <br />for the meeting. The items they have for the next meeting would not be ready until January.206 <br />207
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