Orange County NC Website
06/15/2016Attachment 1 <br />Orange Unified Transportation (OUT) BOARD POLICIES AND PROCEDURES <br />Amendment Note: <br />Proposed deletions to existing text are struck through. Proposed additions to existing <br />text are depicted in red and underscored. <br />SECTION IV. MEETINGS <br />A. Staffing <br />1.Orange County staff may serve a support function to the OUT Board <br />upon the approval of the Orange County Manager. <br />B. Agendas <br />1.Items for agendas shall be approved by the OUT Board Chair and <br />Orange County staff. <br />C. Date, Time, and Location of Regular Meetings <br />1.Regular meetings of the OUT Board shall be held as needed to <br />address items that require Board action consistent with its Charge and <br />Duties identified herein. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of <br />the month. The start time and location of the meeting shall be included <br />on the agenda and shall typically be 7:00 6:30 p.m. at the Orange <br />County West Campus Office Building located at 131 West Margaret <br />Lane, Hillsborough. The OUT Board Chair, in consultation with staff, <br />shall have the authority to change the start time and location of a <br />regular meeting to meet any special circumstances, provided the <br />information is included on the distributed agenda. <br />9