Orange County NC Website
D R A FT56 <br />57 <br />MOTION made by Jeff Charles to recommend the OUTboard is in support of getting started on GO passes. 58 <br />Seconded by Alex Castro. 59 <br />VOTE:Unanimous 60 <br />61 <br />62 <br />63 <br />AGENDA ITEM 4B: OPT Five-Year Plan for Bus Replacement (Peter Murphy) – Review of Five-Year 64 <br />Bus Replacement Plan, including financial assumptions. 65 <br />66 <br />OUTBoard/Transit Services Action: Receive and review information, provide 67 <br />comments.68 <br />69 <br />Peter Murphy reviewed items.70 <br />71 <br />Jeff Charles inquired about going to electric vehicles or other technologies. Peter Murphy explained there 72 <br />weren’t but the new buses they just got in are gasoline and are in the process of being transitioned to propane, 73 <br />which will then give them the option to run on gasoline or propane. 74 <br />75 <br />AGENDA ITEM 4C: Review and Prioritization of OPT Bus Stop Improvements (Peter Murphy): 76 <br />Review and prioritization of improvements proposed for new bus stops for OPT route 77 <br />expansions; to be provided as funding is available. 78 <br />OUTBoard/Transit Services Action: Receive and review information, provide 79 <br />comments 80 <br />81 <br />82 <br />Peter Murphy reviewed items.83 <br />84 <br />Alex Castro requested having better location details on the dots on the bus route map. He also suggested 85 <br />getting private funding or sponsorship to pay for the new bus shelters to be built. 86 <br />87 <br />88 <br />AGENDA ITEM 4D: OPT Transportation Barriers (Peter Murphy): Discussion of how information on 89 <br />transportation barriers can best be collected, and development of strategies for 90 <br />addressing. 91 <br />OUTBoard/Transit Services Action: Discuss and provide comments. 92 <br />93 <br />Peter Murphy reviewed items94 <br />95 <br />JaniceTyler recommended talking to James Davis in regards to anything to do with accessibility of the shelters. 96 <br />Jeff Charles suggested being aware of the visually impaired, and not just physically impaired, as far as safety 97 <br />issues and ways to make it easier for them to be able to read to the maps and bus schedules. 98 <br />99 <br />100 <br />AGENDA ITEM 4E: North Hillsborough Park-and-Ride Replacement (Peter Murphy): Review of 101 <br />replacement proposal for the Maxway/North Hills Shopping Center Park-and-Ride in 102 <br />north Hillsborough. 103 <br />OUTBoard/Transit Services Action: Receive and review information, provide 104 <br />comments. 105 <br />106 <br />Peter Murphy reviewed items107 <br />108 <br />Abigaile Pittman inquired about the walking distance. Peter Murphy informed that it’s a few miles, with no 109 <br />sidewalks and advised there’s no expectation to walk from the park-and-ride to the transfer location, that the buses 110 <br />would go to both locations. He informed it would add about 5 minutes of travel time but it’s the best they have to 111 <br />work with. 112 <br />4