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<br />on what all this transit is that we have in this county. The academy will include presentations, breakout sessions on 485 <br />who qualifies for door-to-door services and how to fill-out the right forms, how to work well with people who have 486 <br />limited English proficiency or English is not their first language, and how to go about setting-up a kiosk of relevant 487 <br />transportation information in your service agency that would be most useful to clients. Throughout the Academy, Staff 488 <br />will be encouraged to get their clients to use transit during Try Transit Week in a variety of ways. During this week, 489 <br />there will be at least 3 places (i.e. Walmart in Hillsborough which also has a bus stop out in front) to talk-up the week 490 <br />with information and a staff person at the table to answer questions. 491 <br /> 492 <br />Alex Castro added to the list of Try Transit Week publicity locations – gatherings at The Grange (meets the first 493 <br />Tuesday of the month) and Table Top (last Friday in September) and other places such as these. 494 <br /> 495 <br />David Laudicina said Hog Day is coming up on September 15th, a great event for publicize Try Transit Week. 496 <br /> 497 <br />Alex Castro said that the updates in transit in the County are significant and not enough people know about them, 498 <br />especially not the seniors. Seniors are the ones who would really make use out of this event and of the services. He 499 <br />also suggested the Seymour Center and Passmore Center as good locations for advertising Try Transit Week. 500 <br /> 501 <br />Ted Triebel asked about advertising in the News of Orange. What media outlets does the department use? 502 <br /> 503 <br />Lisa Berley said that they will advertise in the News of Orange and that Southern Neighbor (monthly publication) did 504 <br />a piece on transportation for them, but they are still looking into other media outlets. 505 <br /> 506 <br />Art Menius suggested getting an interview with WCHL, which would put them on for the afternoon news. 507 <br /> 508 <br />Janice Tyler said that all media and communications go through Todd McGee (Orange County Community Relations 509 <br />Director) for this event. 510 <br /> 511 <br />Heidi Perry asked where the Transit Academy in Chapel Hill will be located. 512 <br /> 513 <br />Janice Tyler said that the Academy would be at the Seymour Center. 514 <br /> 515 <br />Heidi Perry asked if healthcare facilities know about this. 516 <br /> 517 <br />Lisa Berley explained that the list of contacts (inclusive of care managers and others) have been generated by the 518 <br />subcommittee and by Ms. Berley herself has been collecting contacts for over a year-and-a-half for an event like this. 519 <br />All of these contacts will receive a “Save the Date” and an invitation via email. 520 <br /> 521 <br />Jenn Sykes said that she works with the head of UNC Care Management and has connections with Duke’s Care 522 <br />Management and will work with them on getting participants to the event. She has already suggested that they reach 523 <br />out to Lisa Berley and the team for more information on this event. 524 <br /> 525 <br />Lisa Berley said that she would definitely talk to Jenn more about this. 526 <br /> 527 <br />Heidi Perry asked if outreach is solely focused on health care for the Week. 528 <br /> 529 <br />Lisa Berley said that no, they are working with a variety of groups, but the Healthy Carolinians’ subcommittee 530 <br />generated mostly health care contacts. She welcomed more ideas for sharing this event with other people and 531 <br />groups. They are reaching out to Head Start programs and programs working with non-English speakers. 532 <br /> 533 <br />Various Board members chimed in about various groups that should be invited like the Chambers of Commerce, El 534 <br />Centro Hispano, and other regional groups. 535 <br /> 536 <br />Heidi Perry asked if Go Triangle is only giving the free fare to Orange County riders during Try Transit Week. 537 <br /> 538 <br /> 12