OUTBoard agenda 092017
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange Unified Transportation Board
OUTBoard agenda 092017
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OUTBoard minutes 092117
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<br />Heidi Perry asked if Staff had thought about doing a “GoOrange” campaign, similar to the “Go Chapel Hill” and 431 <br />other similar campaigns in the region. 432 <br /> 433 <br />Peter Murphy answered that a campaign like that may seem too sports-oriented. 434 <br /> 435 <br />Motion by Alex Castro to approve the new logo as “Orange County Public Transit” in all situations. Seconded by 436 <br />Art Menius. 437 <br />Vote: Unanimous 438 <br /> 439 <br />AGENDA ITEM 5C. ACTIVITIES (THEO LETMAN, PETER MURPHY) 440 <br /> 441 <br />Heidi Perry asked if the Board could review a slide in the presentation on marketing. 442 <br /> 443 <br />Peter Murphy responded that the slide was on upcoming activities and that they will discuss this now. 444 <br /> 445 <br />Alex Castro said that it was his understanding that the AARP grant enables the awardee to apply for a federal grant 446 <br />of a greater amount. 447 <br /> 448 <br />Janice Tyler said that maybe the AARP money could work as a match for another grant. 449 <br /> 450 <br />Theo Letman responded that as part of a grant application for bus stop improvements, the AARP grant served as a 451 <br />match for a federal grant that was put towards said improvements. 452 <br /> 453 <br />Alex Castro said that he had heard that the grant was $50,000. 454 <br /> 455 <br />Janice Tyler asked what was used as the match before. 456 <br /> 457 <br />Theo Letman said that the local match was out of County funds. 458 <br /> 459 <br />Peter Murphy confirmed that the County put-up the matching funds. 460 <br /> 461 <br />Janice Tyler said that total grant awarded was a little over $10,000. 462 <br /> 463 <br />Peter Murphy said that the money will be put towards the Simme Seats which do not need any approvals to be 464 <br />installed, they just need a local clearance like for a bus stop sign. He said that the next item is an update on OPT’s 465 <br />major activities, milestones, reviews, site visits. In February, there was a Medicaid and EMT site visit and the 466 <br />department was approved through an entire review process. OPT can now be an EMT provider for the County. In 467 <br />March, TJCOG, a regional government council, provided funding for transportation for Councils on Aging to move 468 <br />seniors via free transportation to nutrition programs where some are eligible for a free meal. For a lot of the folks in 469 <br />this program, OPT drivers are like family to the passengers. During the site visit, the department had everything in 470 <br />order and passed the annual assessment. Members of management and other staff attended an annual 471 <br />transportation training conference (Concord, NC) to learn about new products and ideas. In October, the biggest 472 <br />conference and expo for transportation will be held in Atlanta, GA, with staff attending. Finally, the last item is “Try 473 <br />Transit Week,” which Lisa Berley will discuss. In summary, there will be a transit academy leading up to the Week, to 474 <br />educate people on how the bus systems work in Orange County. Many groups have provided assistance, including 475 <br />the Healthy Carolinians. 476 <br /> 477 <br />Lisa Berley spoke about Try Transit Week. The week focuses on encouraging people to ride the bus, like David did, 478 <br />and as an incentive, the ride will be free of charge. In addition to Orange County Public Transit, Chapel Hill Transit, 479 <br />and Go Triangle will be the participating transit departments. The Healthy Carolinians, a group out of the County 480 <br />Health Department has a subcommittee called “Access to Care” which assists people in accessing health care in the 481 <br />County and region at large. This subcommittee is working with Ms. Berley to hold the first ever Transit Academy in 482 <br />both Hillsborough and Chapel Hill (8:00am – noon) two weeks before the Try Transit Week. The concept is to offer 483 <br />training to care managers and social workers in the medical field, in schools, and in non-profits, to get the low-down 484 <br /> 11
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