Orange County NC Website
November, 2013. The OUTBoard reviewed and recommended the approval of the AMP to <br />the BOCC in October, 2013. <br />As properties are developed for nonresidential land uses within the EDD, transportation <br />interconnectivity and access will become increasingly important, enhancing the importance <br />of the adopted AMP. Orange County staff has begun negotiations with property owners in <br />the 100-acre sewer project area in the northeast portion of the EDD, for the dedication of <br />right-of-way for future roadways conceptually depicted on the Eno EDD Access <br />Management Plan Map. Staff is also in discussions with NCDOT regarding the extension <br />of Hwy 751 north of US 70, as well as improvements to this intersection and the one at Old <br />NC 10/Old Hillsborough Road. Because these projects are not expected to be competitive <br />as TIP projects in the SPOT scoring process, it is more likely that future funding would be <br />from County and NCDOT economic development funds. <br />Item 7.f. - NCDOT Division 7 transportation projects located in the Durham-Chapel <br />Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO) and Burlington- <br />Graham Metropolitan Planning Organization (BG MPO) planning areas <br />NCDOT regularly releases lists of transportation projects underway in the DCHC MPO and <br />BG MPO. See Attachment 1. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The staff recommends the OUTBoard: <br />1.Receive information on updates and provide any comments that the Board might <br />have. <br />32