Orange County NC Website
Item 7.e. - Eno EDD Planning, Sewer Project, Proposed Development, and Access <br />Management Plan <br />Eno EDD Planning Efforts - The EDD is bounded by Mt. Herman Church Road to the west, <br />I-40/85 to the north, and the old NC Hwy 10 to the south along the US 70 corridor. The <br />majority of the EDD has been designated as an urban growth area since 1981 because of <br />its proximity to I-85, US 70, the interchange of the two, and the NCRR/Norfolk Southern <br />(NS) Railway. The future of the area for urban growth was originally defined by the 1981 <br />Orange County Land Use Plan, reinforced by the 2030 Comprehensive Plan (2008), and <br />economic development land use and zoning amendments for the majority of the area in <br />1994. Envisioned land use included nonresidential commercial, office and industrial with <br />some higher density housing. From 2006-2008 the Board of County Commissioners <br />(BOCC) directed the development and adoption of the Eno Economic Development District <br />(EDD) Small Area Plan, which contains numerous recommendations regarding future urban <br />services and development. <br />Orange County/City of Durham Interlocal Agreement - There is a recently updated <br />interlocal agreement between Orange County and the City of Durham for Durham to <br />provide water and sewer service to Eno Economic Development District (EDD). The County <br />and the City will collaboratively supervise the design and construction of the utility <br />infrastructure. Concurrent downstream sewer system improvements by Durham will remove <br />former sewage capacity constraints resulting from infiltration and inflow that have to be <br />resolved before Orange County’s sewer system extension can be brought online. <br />Completion of Orange County’s project is timed such that it will coincide with sufficient <br />downstream capacity improvements. Infrastructure will be turned over to the City of <br />Durham for ownership and maintenance following completion. <br />Eno Capital Facilities Project – In order to <br />utilize these EDDs for their intended purpose, <br />Orange County has entered into an agreement <br />with the City of Durham for Durham to provide <br />the first phase of sewer infrastructure to a <br />portion of the Eno EDD and supervise the <br />design and construction of the utility <br />infrastructure necessary to provide service. <br />Approximately 100 acres in the northeast <br />portion of the 800+/- acre Eno EDD has been <br />identified for gravity sewer system extensions <br />at this time. Design work on the CIP project was just recently completed and it is expected <br />to go out to bid in November 2017, with construction occurring in the winter of 2018. <br />Public water service is existing and able to be extended in the 100 acre portion of the EDD <br />that will be receiving gravity sewer system service in the winter of 2108. <br />30