Orange County NC Website
Item 7.b. - Mebane Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) <br />The City of Mebane is underway with the development of a CTP. This process will develop <br />a comprehensive program of transportation improvements, facilities, recommendations and <br />alternatives for Mebane’s transportation system. The final plan will establish short and long <br />term recommendations for a street network incorporating multi-modal transportation <br />choices and ensuring a well-integrated urban street grid with maximum access to <br />development parcels (both existing and anticipated). <br />Portions of the Mebane CTP study area are within Orange County’s jurisdiction, the <br />Burlington-Graham Metropolitan Planning Organization (BGMPO) planning area, the <br />Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization (DCHC MPO) planning <br />area, and the Triangle Area Rural Planning Organization (TARPO) planning area. <br />Therefore, Planning staff was provided an opportunity to comment on recently released <br />draft maps: Roadway Facilities; Transit Facilities; and Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities. <br />The accompanying CTP has not yet been released. <br />Staff comments focused on encouraging consistency with the adopted CTPs of the two <br />MPOs, and the RPO along with Orange County and NCDOT. Orange County also has an <br />access management plan for the Efland-Buckhorn area, which includes recommended new <br />roadways through the economic development areas in the western portion of Orange <br />County. The County’s access management plan is considered to be a collector street plan <br />and referenced in the MPO CTPs by way of recent revisions. <br />Here is a link to the Mebane CTP draft <br />maps: <br />There is also a link to a survey on the site. <br />Item 7.c. - Mountain-to-Sea Trail (MST) <br />Orange County Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation (DEAPR) <br />has tentatively scheduled an MST project update at the September 19 BOCC meeting. A <br />new employee with DEAPR, Kim Livingston will be the County staff person for the project. <br />Here is a link to information on the MST in Orange County: <br /> <br />Item 7.d. - Orange Grove Road Bridge Fencing <br />Funding in the amount of $100,000 has been approved by NCDOT for the proposed safety <br />fencing on both sides of the Orange Grove Road bridge over I-40. The funding source is <br />the Statewide Contingency Funds. The fencing is currently in the design phase, after which <br />it will be put out to bid. The estimated letting date is October 2017 with installation <br />completion in December 2017. Orange County Planning and DCHC MPO staff will receive <br />updates about the schedule for the installation of the fencing. Staff will keep the OUTBoard <br />informed as this project progresses. <br />29