OUTBoard agenda 062117
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange Unified Transportation Board
OUTBoard agenda 062117
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3/26/2018 10:22:40 AM
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OUTBoard minutes 062117
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there’s been a lot of controversy. Heidi Perry asked how much of the trail had already been developed, to which 53 <br />Marabeth informed her it was a little over halfway completed. 54 <br /> 55 <br />AGENDA ITEM 5: REGULAR OUTBOARD AGENDA (ACTION ITEMS) 56 <br />57 <br /> 58 <br />AGENDA ITEM 5A. DRAFT TRANSPORTATION PROJECT PRIORITY LIST (MAX BUSHELL) 59 <br /> 60 <br />Max Bushell presented 61 <br />62 <br />Heidi Perry asked if there was a better chance of getting projects done if they submitted fewer of them. Matt Day 63 <br />explained that they’re going to go through the same scoring process and that the MPO and RPO are going to want to 64 <br />submit as many projects as they can. Heidi inquired about Asheville and how they got their funding for their greenway 65 <br />projects. Art Menius said they switched designated responsibility for their greenways from the city’s park and 66 <br />recreation department to the city’s department of transportation. Heidi Perry inquired about the widening on NC 54 67 <br />not being submitted. Max Bushell explained that it was a sibling project and it’ll automatically carry over to this 68 <br />prioritization process. Ted Triebel asked if they expected that these projects would not score well again. Max Bushell 69 <br />explained that they’re changing the scoring criteria slightly as opposed to last time, so hopefully that will boost the 70 <br />project scores for some of the projects. He added that the area is continuing to grow and develop and the roads in 71 <br />question are going to continue to be more congested, so these projects can be considered as local priorities and will 72 <br />likely have higher congestion than before. This will increase the score. Heidi Perry requested adding a round-about to 73 <br />the bike lane project along Old NC 86. Max mentioned that he will add the roundabout in Calvander at the 74 <br />intersection of Old NC 86 and Homestead Road/Dairyland Road as a separate project. Alex Castro asked if there 75 <br />was consistency in the 4-foot shoulders on the Old NC 86 project or if it will only be two feet in some places. He 76 <br />added that this had been a problem before. Max Bushell explained said he thinks that that is a project scope and 77 <br />funding issue and that a two foot shoulder is more feasible than a four-foot shoulder, as constructing a four foot 78 <br />shoulder would require moving the ditch. Matt Day added that it makes a project more difficult if there’s a ditch that 79 <br />they have to move to make the shoulder four feet, which is why the shoulder is so narrow in some places. Alex 80 <br />Castro also mentioned a concern about having a four-foot shoulder and then adding rumble strips, which defeats the 81 <br />purpose of adding the shoulder for cyclists. Matt Day said they now have bicycle friendly rumble strips, where it’s 82 <br />either where the paint stripe is rather than on the shoulder, or that there are gaps to allow bicyclists to access the 83 <br />travel lane. 84 <br /> 85 <br />MOTION by Ted Triebel to recommended the list to the BOCC. Seconded by Art Menius. 86 <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS 87 <br />88 <br /> 89 <br />AGENDA ITEM 6: INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 90 <br />91 <br /> 92 <br />6A. CARRBORO TO HILLSBOROUGH MULTI-USE PATH UPDATE – (MAX BUSHELL) 93 <br /> 94 <br />Max Bushell presented 95 <br /> 96 <br />Heidi Perry mentioned that during a previous discussion regarding the bike lanes on Old NC Hwy 86 it was said that 97 <br />they thought the shoulders would work well for strong cyclists. However, due to the fact that it would bring tourists, a 98 <br />separated bike lane would be preferred. She added that it wouldn’t have to run parallel with the road, and it would 99 <br />have a lot of merit as a bicycle tourism destination. Art Menius stated that NC Hwy 86 has much higher speeds than 100 <br />Old 86. Heidi Perry also suggested using Duke Energy easements. Max Bushell said that’s something that’s typically 101 <br />done in cities, but hasn’t been explored much in counties. Heidi asked if it could be funded with DOT funding that 102 <br />way. Max said it could, but it would still require the same 20% local match and local administration. Heidi asked what 103 <br />they could do to see if it was a feasible idea. Max said a feasibility study would be a good place to start, but doubts 104 <br />the County would fund that. He added that he found one source from Asheville that used funding of $75,000 for a 105 <br />4
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