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DRAFT <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />demand model to figure out how the capacities on the roads would change. He also explained as far as funding 53 <br />goes that the MTP would have to be amended. He added that if the LRT were shut down there would be more 54 <br />funding for different projects that could then make the cut. Jeff Charles asked about the funds that were being tied 55 <br />up in the LRT and what kind of delay there would be to get those funds for other projects if the LRT is denied. 56 <br />Abigaile Pittman stated that it would be a significant chunk of time while they amend the plan and decide what other 57 <br />projects to invest in instead. Additionally, the sales tax that was added to fund this did not specify it was for Light 58 <br />Rail Transit, it only specified that it was for Transit. And that if the funds did not go through for LRT it would have to 59 <br />be voted on again as to what to do with the funds. 60 <br /> 61 <br />Heidi Perry inquired about viewing the trends from when the previous MTP was adopted in 2012, which is not 62 <br />available in the current plan. Max Bushell explained she would have to look at the previous plan for past 63 <br />projections. Matt Day mentioned that the information for the 2012 traffic reports should be available on NCDOT’s 64 <br />website. Alex Castro asked if changes in technology and modes of transportation were being taken into 65 <br />consideration, such as vehicle ownership declining. Julie Bollinger stated that they haven’t looked that much into it 66 <br />yet but are happy to do so once they start seeing those changes. And Max Bushell explained that it was factored 67 <br />into the MTP process. He added that he doesn’t see a change that big within 5-years but those kinds of changes 68 <br />will be clearer as they’re happening with the MTP’s 5-year cycle. 69 <br /> 70 <br />Max continued presentation. 71 <br /> 72 <br />Alex Castro raised concerns regarding the overload of traffic on Churton Road and inquired about why the 73 <br />connector going up from 86 and 70 wasn’t going to be done to fix the issue. Max Bushell explained that the 74 <br />Occoneechee speedway and Ayr Mount, a historic home in Hillsborough, are recognized historic sites and are 75 <br />protected under the US Department of Transportation Act of 1966 Section 4(f) from being impacted by 76 <br />transportation projects. Alex Castro asked if there was any alternative plan to relieve traffic. Max Bushell informed 77 <br />the Board that there is no proposed solution for Churton Road in the current CTP. Abigaile Pittman informed the 78 <br />Board that it’s a recognized problem and with the revision they’re doing for the Buckhorn Economic Development 79 <br />District Access Management Plan they’re looking for improvements at the connector road. She added that they’re 80 <br />also considering a way for a future road coming north of US 70 to connect up to Efland Cedar Grove Road and 81 <br />continue northward. Alex Castro mentioned the proposed improvement of I-85 and NC 86 would back up Churton 82 <br />Road even more. He also mentioned the two major residential developments proposed, which are going to double 83 <br />the population with no road improvements envisioned and thinks it’s a glaring deficiency in the plan. Erle Smith 84 <br />suggested looking at enhancing Lawrence Road and Old NC 10 instead of Historical Hillsborough. Max Bushell 85 <br />said it could be a possibility. Ted Triebel agreed with Alex Castro with regards to a statement needing to be made 86 <br />that Churton Road is a problem. 87 <br /> 88 <br />Heidi Perry raised concerns with endorsing the plans in the CTP without having the proper time allotted to review 89 <br />them. She would like to endorse the idea of the CTP without endorsing the plans until she’s had time to look at 90 <br />them more closely. Jeff Charles seconded Heidi’s concern of not having the proper time to review this more 91 <br />carefully. He added that this is an ongoing issue and would like that to be noted. Max Bushell informed the Board 92 <br />that the public comment period would close February 24th, so they would have time to look at it before then. He also 93 <br />informed the Board that this will go to the BOCC February 7th, and the OUTBoard is welcome to go speak at that 94 <br />meeting to share visions or comments as a Board member or a citizen. 95 <br /> 96 <br />Max Bushell directed the Board’s attention to maps on the DCHC MPO website and advised them to look at the 97 <br />specific project they’re interested in. The website maps will provide much more detailed information about the 98 <br />proposed projects. 99 <br /> 100 <br />The Board decided to move this item to their next meeting on February 15th, but there were concerns of meeting 101 <br />after the BOCC’s meeting on February 7th and not having their comments heard in time. Max Bushell clarified to 102 <br />the Board that the key point is that the MPO and NCDOT, who will be the ones evaluating comments and making 103 <br />the changes, get their comments. 104 <br /> 4