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DRAFT <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />expensive but there can probably be something done fairly reasonably. He added that the tablets they’re adding will 104 <br />be trackable also and they’ll be able to see where the buses are. 105 <br /> 106 <br />Max Bushell summarized that they need the Board to suggest any other locations shelters should be placed, and 107 <br />also to suggest any other technology that might help. 108 <br /> 109 <br />The Board provided the following suggestions: The Courthouse by Chapel Hill and Hillsborough, and the Jail; any 110 <br />public buildings that are close to the bus service should let people know that it’s an available service; the North 111 <br />Carolina Hospital in Hillsborough; Durham Technical Community College should have the information on their 112 <br />website with something to draw attention to it; radio spots advertising the service; social media could be used to get 113 <br />the information out; any schools that the buses go near should get the information out to students; Walmart and the 114 <br />Senior Center are places where they could let more people know that the service is available; and it should be 115 <br />advertised around Weaver Street Market. 116 <br /> 117 <br />Heidi Perry suggested that people don’t need so much detailed information right away. That they just need to know 118 <br />that there’s a bus that serves that area and how to find out more information about it. 119 <br /> 120 <br />Peter Murphy suggested having a Tri Transit week. He explained that this is done around the beginning of the school 121 <br />year in bigger cities and the Healthy Carolinians Group may be voting on picking a Tri Transit week in Durham where 122 <br />there would be no charge for fare. He added that doing this would probably need approval because it’s a monetary 123 <br />item and they may need to bring it to the BOCC. Heidi Perry suggested doing prizes to get people to ride the bus and 124 <br />those prizes could also be a way to get email addresses to notify if they’ve won something. And then they could send 125 <br />out the information they need to. Heidi Perry also suggested doing Tri Transit in September versus August so people 126 <br />would be settled in with school. 127 <br /> 128 <br />Erie Smith inquired about ridership demographics. Peter Murphy answered that it was actually pretty well mixed with 129 <br />a wide variety. 130 <br /> 131 <br />Jeff Charles asked what it would cost for the County to go to ride free and what the benefits would be for that versus 132 <br />not doing this, and how much is paid for the Go Passes. Peter Murphy explained that UNC pays fifty cents on the 133 <br />dollar for riders and then the County bills them for everyone riding using the pass on an OPT bus. He added that right 134 <br />now they’re charging full fare but once the agreement is worked out he’ll be charging them for everyone that boards 135 <br />the bus and ultimately Durham Tech’s going to pay more. He added that it’s a huge sum of money for ridership near 136 <br />the large universities. 137 <br /> 138 <br />Peter Murphy confirmed that he’d get all the information together for the next meeting and would add a pie chart to 139 <br />show where money’s coming from and how the fares fall into total revenue. He also confirmed that September will be 140 <br />the targeted month. 141 <br /> 142 <br />AGENDA ITEM 6: REGULAR OUTBOARD AGENDA (ACTION ITEMS) 143 <br /> 144 <br /> 145 <br />6A. OUTBOARD ANNUAL REPORT (2016) AND WORK PLAN (2017) – (ABIGAILE PITTMAN) 146 <br /> 147 <br />Abigaile Pittman Presented. 148 <br /> 149 <br />Heidi Perry referenced the anticipated activity regarding the review of appropriate linkages between economic 150 <br />development area access management plans and CTP/MTP documents of the BG MPO and DCHC MPO for the 151 <br />purpose of addressing the dedication of right-of-way under local ordinances. She asked why the CTP/MTP maps 152 <br />were separate instead of compiled together. Max Bushell explained that if the maps were compiled it would be a 153 <br />mess of lines and too hard to understand. He explained further that the connectivity with local access management 154 <br />plans was important in order to maintain connectivity. Abigaile Pittman explained that the ability to require right-of-155 <br /> 5