Orange County NC Website
Footnote Text: <br />◦The concepts shown on a CTP are for planning purposes and are subject to <br />change. These concepts will need additional analysis to meet state and federal <br />environmental regulations, to determine final locations and designs, and to be <br />funded for implementation. Local zoning or subdivision <br />ordinances may require the dedication of right of <br />way based on the concepts shown on the CTP and <br />local collector street plans, based on N.C.G.S. § 136-66.2 and § <br />136-66.10. <br />Report Text: <br />◦Locally approved transportation plans may contain street or highway right-of-way <br />dedication recommendations or requirements, and collectively function <br />as the collector street plan for the MPO or municipality as <br />referenced under G.S. § 136-66.2. <br />