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<br /> <br />provide more information about the CTP, its relationship to other plans, and its importance with <br />respect to reserving right-of-way. <br /> <br />Deficiency Analysis <br />In order to program improvements to infrastructure, the CTP includes a deficiency analysis, <br />which uses socioeconomic data (SE Data) generated from a land use model (CommunityViz) to <br />forecast future transportation demand. SE Data includes households and employment. Since <br />households and employment are generators and attractors for trips, an understanding of where <br />new households and employment opportunities are likely to occur is crucial to forecasting future <br />travel demand. <br /> <br />With the household and employment location data as a focused input, the TRM forecasts <br />demand for the current network, ultimately producing a map indicating future transportation <br />deficiencies across the Triangle region. Roadways that are significantly over capacity in future <br />years and/or roadways with a significant safety issue are programmed for improvement in the <br />CTP. Transit demand is also evaluated by forecasting population and examining density <br />thresholds in traffic analysis zones (TAZs), while bicycle and pedestrian projects are generated <br />through an analysis of non-motorized trips and potentially hazardous intersections. Existing <br />deficiencies are identified for each mode and projects are generated for inclusion on the CTP <br />maps. <br /> <br />Relationship to Other Plans <br />The CTP is the overarching transportation plan for the DCHC MPO. As a State requirement, the <br />CTP replaces the thoroughfare plans that have been conducted in North Carolina since the <br />1950s. With a focus on multi-modal transportation, the CTP is designed to work within a <br />planning framework, which includes the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and the State <br />Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). <br /> <br />As indicated, the CTP includes all of the projects needed to address transportation deficiencies <br />in the future without regard for fiscal constraint. The MTP, a Federal requirement, takes the <br />initial CTP project list and programs improvements within a minimum 20-year planning horizon. <br />This plan is fiscally constrained and focuses more attention on critical projects for funding and <br />the phasing of project implementation. The STIP is a 10-year funding program. Projects are <br />drawn from the MTP and put forward to the State’s prioritization process for inclusion in the <br />STIP. Attachment 1 contains a graphic that explains this relationship in detail. <br /> <br />Products <br />The final CTP will contain two distinct elements, the CTP Maps (Attachment 2) and the CTP <br />Study Report. The CTP Study Report contains a great deal of background information including <br />problem statements for specific projects and a summary of the CTP process. The Highway <br />Minimum Problem Statements document is provided as an example (Attachment 3). The entire <br />draft document, all of the maps, and explanatory tables for each mode can be found at this link: <br /> It is important to note that the NCDOT Board of Transportation only <br />approves the CTP maps; this body does not approve the CTP Study Report. This is important, <br />especially for Orange County, as Orange County Transportation Planning staff has advocated <br />for the inclusion of a footnote linking the CTP to local access management plans in both the <br />CTP Study Report and on the CTP maps. By including this footnote on the maps, the Board of <br />Transportation will be aware of the addition and will approve the footnote along with the maps. <br /> <br /> <br /> 10