OUTBoard agenda 032118
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange Unified Transportation Board
OUTBoard agenda 032118
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3/26/2018 10:05:22 AM
Creation date
3/26/2018 10:03:44 AM
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OUTBoard minutes 032118
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Alex Castronoted those funding sources may be changing soon. 113 <br />114 <br />Abigaile Pittman said information about funding sourceswill likely have to be updated as changes are made. 115 <br />116 <br />Erle Smith said he finds the Durham-Chapel Hill explanationhelpful,particularly Section 2, and he suggested adding 117 <br />it to the website. He also agreed that adding a “who is who” document would be helpful.118 <br />119 <br />Alex Castro said MaxBushell did some tutorials when changes went into effect. He thinks the previous staff meetings 120 <br />would have elements that could be pulled for the primer. 121 <br />122 <br />Jenn Sykes suggested addingroadmaps that are color coded so that people can easily identify whether a road is a 123 <br />state road or town road. This would help people understand why some roads get plowedwhen it snowsand others 124 <br />do not get plowed by the same government. 125 <br />126 <br />Abigaile Pittman replied that there arestatemaps that havestate route numbers to indicate state maintained roads.127 <br />The state also has an alphabetical list of roads that the state maintains. A link could be provided to this information 128 <br />and placed on the county’s website. 129 <br />130 <br />Heidi Perry noted there is a number to call the state to fix potholes on state roads, which should be included inthe 131 <br />transportation area of the county’s website.132 <br />133 <br />Abigaile Pittman said she cannotupdate these materialsall at once butshe wouldlike to get started. She willwork on134 <br />a table of contents for the Board’s approval, and after that start on the first couple of chapters and add them to the 135 <br />agendafor a future meeting, and so forth.136 <br />137 <br />8C.B-GMPOUPDATES (ABIGAILE PITTMAN) 138 <br />139 <br />Abigaile Pittman reviewed that last November Orange County Planning staff expressed some concerns regarding the 140 <br />process the Burlington-GrahamMPO hadin place. Specifically, staff members were concerned aboutinfrequent 141 <br />meetings (four times a year), the meetings not syncingwith the NCDOT schedule for deadlines for project 142 <br />submissions, Also,Planning staff felt thatthe MPO has beentoo dependent on the way the project was scored 143 <br />during the past SPOT cycle; Orange County staffacknowledges that the quantitative scores are very importantbut 144 <br />felt that there wasn’tenough local involvement in developing the projectlist. Also, Orange County staff had concerns 145 <br />that there wasn’t enough consideration at the TCC level for regional efforts. Orange Countystaff proposed a TCC 146 <br />subcommittee to work on future6.0 SPOT criteria and is trying to get revised rules about the process. The B-G MPO 147 <br />Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) gavethe go-ahead to createthe subcommittee.148 <br />149 <br />Abigaile Pittman reviewed the revisionsthe subcommittee has made so far. The TCC will meet10 times a year. 150 <br />(however the TAC will continue to meet four times a year). There is now a full-time MPO staff person hired to replace 151 <br />a previouspart-time contractual position.The TCC subcommittee has identified SPOT methodologiesit likes 152 <br />(Tarboro’s, Fayetteville’sand Wilmington’s). The subcommittee isencouraging regionalism. The previous day the 153 <br />subcommitteeraisedthe cap ofthe transportation planning grant from$25,000 to $50,000.If any money is left over, 154 <br />it will into unobligated funds that can be used for future project requests. All grants from this fund require a20-155 <br />percent local match. 156 <br />157 <br />Heidi Perry said one of those“who’s who”charts, referred to earlier in the meeting, mighthelp explain Orange 158 <br />County’s relationship with the B-GMPO. She asked if Hillsborough is in the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro MPO. 159 <br />160 <br />Abigaile Pittman answered that it is and then reviewed that the B-GMPO area islocatedto the eastof Mebaneand 161 <br />includes some incorporated areas of Mebane. 162 <br />163 <br />6B.ORANGE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS MAP AND WEBSITE UPDATE (NISH TRIVEDI) 164 <br />165 <br />Nishith Trivedireviewedthenew website. 166 <br />167 <br />Heidi Perry asked about accessing the map. 168 <br />5
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