Orange County NC Website
Planned outreach activities include monthly Welcome to Medicare classes at public <br />libraries and Get the Mo t Out of Medicare classes in March and August (designed for <br />those already receiving Medicare) at each Senior Center. Additional outreach will include <br />participation, in senior events at two outlying community centers in Cedar Grove and the <br />Eflanid-Cheeks community, We host information tables at Wal'-mart in Hillsbo► -OUgh, at <br />least quarterly as well) as other community health or service fairs and events. We plan' to <br />distribute flyers regarding new Medicare cards (May-June) and Open Enrollment <br />(September) through partner organizations that work with the disabled and mentally <br />challenged Populations in our community (Club Nova, County Mental Health <br />Department, Cardinal Innovations, NAMl, etc,). If possible, we will plan ain Open <br />Enrollment event in conjunction with one of these partners (October-(December 20,1 8). <br />2. All outreach activities include information about Extra Help and other programs for those <br />with limited resources or high cost medications. <br />1 We provide space and coordination for the Orange County SHIP program at our two <br />senior centers (Hillsborough, and Chapel Hill). Appointments with certified counselors at <br />least 2 days per rnonth at each center. Ali counselors, are trained to screen and <br />complete Extra Help applications. Clients who appear to qualify for MSP or Medicaid <br />are referred to the DSS Social Worker that is located at that Center, <br />4. Client Contacts and Public/Media Activities are entered) into SHIPTalk by the 15ti" of the <br />following month. <br />5 Diuring 2018, our focus will be on! deepening the relationships which we initiated in 2017 <br />These inc�luide directors at low income senior apartments Pied'mioint Community Health <br />Center, YMCA, and the two outlying community centers. We also plan to re-establish <br />is <br />our relatioinshiip with Club No ort <br />also required to maintain our extensive partnerships with the public libraries, primary <br />ca:re physician offices, large emlpl'oyers anid seniior center staff, <br />& Information about preventive services are included in all classes and information tables. <br />We will continue to identify opportunities to participate in community health and wellness <br />fairs throughout the year, <br />7. We will provide a reporting, form, for activities from 10/1/2017 through 2/28/18 by March <br />10t�' and monthly thereafter. <br />Page 8 of 12 <br />