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MINUTES-Draft <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />October 28, 2015 <br />S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda & Abstracts\2015 Agenda & Abstracts/ June Page 3 <br />cessation program, QuitlineNC, provides 8 weeks of free NRT to our clients through <br />OCHD providers. With the launching of the OC Partners for Tobacco Cessation, focus <br />has been given to the behavioral health clients in the community. <br />• They continue to focus on high non-compliance areas. More permanent signage has <br />been posted and several downtown Chapel Hill retailers have placed also placed <br />signage in their storefront windows. <br />• Enforcement through monitoring and responding to complaints is a continuous effort. <br />The OCHD continues to send quarterly reports to key partners on reported violations <br />and outreach efforts. <br />• They continue to promote smoke-free multi-unit housing. Technical assistance was <br />provided to Chapel Hill Public Housing as it considered adopting a smoke-free policy by <br />conducting resident surveys at all 336 units, presenting results to their leadership, and <br />providing Freshstart classes onsite. It is anticipated that HUD will soon require that all <br />public housing be smoke-free. <br />• Lastly, they were pleased to be featured on a panel of success stories at the NC Public <br />Health Association Educational Conference in September and at a statewide tobacco <br />policy training in August. <br /> <br /> <br />The BOH members had several questions that were addressed by Ms. Austin. <br /> <br />C. Fee & Eligibility Policy Review <br /> <br />Ms. Crawford began with an overview of the recommended changes to the Fee and Eligibility <br />Policy that occurred as a result of the Family Planning monitoring visit conducted by the NC <br />Division of Public Health in October. The most essential changes include: <br /> <br />• Purpose (Section I.E.): As recommended by the Family Planning auditors, the following <br />statement was added to the Purpose section to explicitly state that: There will be no <br />charge for Title X Services provided for individuals with income less than 100% of the <br />Federal Poverty Level (FPL.) <br /> <br />• Income Eligibility (Section III.C.): The Environmental Health section was revised to clarify <br />that WTMP and mobile home park fees are billed on a different schedule than other <br />Environmental Health fees. <br /> <br />• Fee Collection (Section VI.K.): As recommended by the Family Planning auditors, the <br />Health Department’s detailed cost analysis process for fee changes will be included in <br />the policy rather than merely identifying that the Health Department conducts a cost <br />analysis. <br /> <br />• Fee Collection (Section VII.E.): As recommended by the Family Planning auditors, <br />clients will now be given a statement at each visit showing the cost of services provided <br />along with any outstanding balances rather than only being informed of those items. <br /> <br />• Fee Collection (Section VII.G.): The client Payment Plan section was modified to clarify <br />that a client must make a payment in any amount in order to activate a payment plan. <br />