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MINUTES-Draft <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />May 27, 2015 <br />S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda & Abstracts\2015 Agenda & Abstracts/ May Page 4 <br />The BOH members had several questions including those related to the disclosure of the <br />specificity of the causes of children’s’ deaths that were addressed by Pam McCall. <br /> <br />B. Tobacco Preemption Resolution Update <br /> <br />Coby Austin notified the Board that all local health departments were contacted by Dr. Bridger in <br />reference to our Tobacco Preemption Resolution. She also informed the Board that Durham <br />and Cumberland Counties’ Boards have passed the same resolution. Pitt and Chatham <br />Counties have placed this resolution on their agenda for review by their boards. This will <br />involve the establishment of a long-term strategy as preemption has been around for 20 years <br />but yet, there’s been unhurried movement regarding this issue. Ms. Austin mentioned that <br />Hawaii is poised to become the first state to increase the minimum legal sale age of tobacco to <br />21 years. She also stated that Durham County will be sending their resolution to their Board of <br />County Commissioners to adopt it. Ms. Austin requested the BOH forward their passed <br />resolution to the Orange County BOCC for adoption. She also requested BOH members to visit <br />the General Assembly members, on a purely educational mission, to share information about <br />this Resolution and the Institute of Medicine Report. Communication will be sent with potential <br />dates and times, after the long session adjourns to the BOH seeking volunteers to speak with <br />General Assembly members. <br /> <br />The BOH members had several questions that were addressed by Coby Austin and <br />Colleen Bridger. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Corey Davis to forward the BOH Tobacco Preemption Resolution to <br />the Board of County Commissioners to request adoption of the resolution, seconded by <br />Liska Lackey and carried without dissent. <br /> <br />C. Professional Engineer, Optometrist, and General Public Seat Recruitment <br /> <br />Susan Elmore, Chair, informed the BOH members that Corey Davis will be leaving in June <br />2015. She also noted that Tony Whitaker and Michael Carstens’ second terms will be coming to <br />an end in August 2015. She stressed that as the Engineer and Optometrist professions are <br />very specific and there aren’t many candidates. Ms. Elmore also noted that Mr. Whitaker and <br />Mr. Carstens have been kind enough to look within their own professions for candidates to <br />recommend. Ms. Elmore requested volunteers to be on a selection committee to review <br />applications for all vacancies including the General Public Seat, and bring recommendations to <br />the August BOH meeting. Dan Dewitya and Nick Galvez volunteered to be on the committee. <br />Michael Carstens also offered his assistance as he has reviewed many of the applications <br />currently on file. <br /> <br />D. Health Director’s Report <br /> <br />There were no questions from the Board regarding the Health Director’s Report included <br />in the packet. Dr. Bridger gave a brief overview of the Family Success Alliance’s trip to <br />the Harlem Children’s Zone Practitioner’s Institute. Dr. Bridger stated that primary <br />takeaway was that it is more important that we build trust right now within our <br />community than a pipeline. She gave descriptions of the Harlem Children’s Zone <br />Practitioner’s Institute successful model, practices and partnerships. She also <br />expressed how they do whatever is required to ensure that every child is successful. <br /> <br />