BOH agenda 082615
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Board of Health
BOH agenda 082615
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MINUTES-Draft <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br />June 24, 2015 <br />S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda & Abstracts\2015 Agenda & Abstracts/ June Page 4 <br />A. Orange County Advisory Board Summary <br /> <br />Meredith Stewart provided an update on the 3rd quarter of our advisory board summary and <br />discussed what other county boards are doing in related to the BOH 2014-2016 Strategic Plan. <br />Some updates include: <br /> <br />• The proposal to have Alcopops reclassified so that they’re not sold as a lower alcohol <br />beverage has been presented to the Board of County Commissioners to be included in <br />their agenda packet. <br />• Commissioner Bernadette Pelissier, who also serves on the Substance Abuse/Mental <br />Health Subcommittee, requested that Cardinal Innovations provide a detailed report on <br />their usage of the $1.3 million they were awarded by the county in order to provide <br />mental health services. <br />• Family Success Alliance Advisory Council requested and received $90,000 out of the <br />Social Justice funds from the County Commissioners which allowed the Kindergarten <br />Readiness Program to be funded. The program will allow up to 30 children in 3 schools <br />(2 in zone 5 and 1 in zone 4) to participate in a 3-4 week readiness program for children <br />that have not had a formal pre-school experience or have been deemed at high risk for <br />being behind at the start of the kindergarten. This program will help ease the transition <br />into kindergarten. Currently, there are 70 children enrolled. <br />• The Family Success Alliance will also be working with Orange Literacy which will work <br />with the parents of the children in the Kindergarten Readiness Program which will offer <br />two-generational support. <br />• The Tobacco Preemption Resolution was adopted by the Board of County <br />Commissioners. <br /> <br />The BOH members had several questions were answered by Meredith Stewart. <br /> <br />B. Consideration of Expanding BOH Terms from 2 to 3 <br /> <br />Colleen Bridger began by conveying that every August the Board reviews the BOH bylaws. In <br />preparation for that review, she posed the idea of considering expanding the BOH terms from 2 <br />to 3 as it is allowed under the NC General Statute. Under the NC General Statute, the BOH <br />terms are defined as up to 3 terms. While 99% of the counties in NC have them set at 3 terms, <br />Orange County has them set at 2. Each term is 3 years. In Orange County, BOH members can <br />serve 2 full terms totaling 6 years; meanwhile, other counties allow their members to serve 3 full <br />terms totaling 9 years. Given the turnover, the struggle to fill some positions and the fact that <br />members reach their peak during their 2nd term as they’re just getting accustomed to what <br />transpired during their 1st term, the consideration of a revision in the bylaws was suggested. <br />The BOH members collectively agreed in doing so and will discuss it further in August. <br /> <br />The BOH members had several questions that were addressed by Colleen Bridger. <br /> <br />C. Health Director’s Report <br /> <br />There were no questions from the Board regarding the Health Director’s Report included <br />in the packet. Dr. Bridger stressed the need for volunteers for the Community Health <br />Assessment. She stated that the County Manager will assist by encouraging all Orange <br />County employees to volunteer. Dr. Bridger also expressed that it would be a great <br />opportunity for BOH members. It was also mentioned that there’s a small group working
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