Orange County NC Website
More than 40 percent of males with early syphilis statewide also have HIV, Sena said. In Wake County, <br />the number is higher – 52 percent, according to Ledford. <br />“What we’re concerned about in public health is an increase of early stage syphilis and the co-infection <br />of HIV,” Sena said. <br />In Wake and Durham counties, health officials are trying to combat the rise in syphilis cases through <br />awareness, outreach and education, both on social media and at facilities. <br />Ledford said anyone who meets people online should practice safe sex and avoid anonymous hookups. <br />“And if you have had unprotected sex, you need to be tested,” she said. <br /> <br />Read more here: <br />county/article66940787.html#storylink=cpy <br />