Orange County NC Website
1 <br />Attachment 1. Orange County Proposed 2017-18 Budget Amendment <br />The 2017-18 Orange County Budget Ordinance is amended as follows: <br />Original Budget Encumbrance <br />Carry Forwards Budget as Amended Budget as Amended <br />Through BOA #6-B <br />#1 Social Services - <br />receipt of $14,111 <br />additional <br />administrative revenue <br />from the State related <br />to childcare services; <br />and receipt of <br />anticipated $11,000 <br />additional revenue <br />from the sale of goods <br />at Café 113 at <br />Hillsborough <br />Commons <br />#2 Social Services - <br />close out and re- <br />purpose funds <br />associated with <br />completed multi-year <br />grant projects <br />#3 Social Services - <br />close out some prior <br />year accounts in the <br />Adoption <br />Enhancement Fund <br />("DSS Cleint Services <br />Fund") <br />#4 Social Services - <br />transfer remaining <br />$10,000 in the <br />Community Response <br />Program Grant Project <br />to Social Services <br />within the General <br />Fund <br />#5 Health Department - <br />receipt of $34,664 in <br />additional 2014 <br />Medicaid Cost <br />Settlement Funds in <br />the County Capital <br />Fund <br />#6 Library Services - <br />receipt of $1,000 <br />donation through the <br />Triangle Community <br />Foundation <br />#7 Library Services - <br />receipt of $2,025 in <br />additional funds for the <br />department's Outreach <br />Literacy Motheread <br />Program in the Grant <br />Projects Fund <br />#8 Economic <br />Developemt - Visitor's <br />Bureau receipt of <br />$93,755 in additional <br />revenue from the Town <br />of Chapel Hill for <br />surpassing FY 2016-17 <br />performance <br />benchmarks <br />#9 County Manager's <br />Office - Arts <br />Commission (Visitor's <br />Bureau Fund) receipt of <br />$1,234 from the <br />Hillsborough Arts <br />Commission for the <br />2017 Paint It Orange <br />Plein Air Paint-out <br />event <br />#10 Criminal Justice <br />Resource Department - <br />receipt of a $23,667 <br />refund from Cardinal <br />Innovations <br />maintenance of effort <br />funds <br />#11 County Manager's <br />Office - Orange County <br />Partnership to End <br />Homelessness receipt <br />of $1,000 from Triangle <br />Community Foundation <br />to help support the <br />Point-in-Time street <br />count <br />#12 DEAPR - receipt <br />of $44,304 in additional <br />revenues from athletic <br />rentals, facility rentals, <br />concessions, and <br />recreation fees <br />Budget as Amended <br />Through BOA #7 <br />General Fund <br />Revenue <br />Property Taxes 151,557,768$ -$ 151,557,768$ 151,557,768$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 151,557,768$ <br />Sales Taxes 23,566,784$ -$ 23,566,784$ 23,566,784$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 23,566,784$ <br />License and Permits 328,000$ -$ 328,000$ 328,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 328,000$ <br />Intergovernmental 16,035,147$ -$ 16,035,147$ 17,223,266$ 14,111$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 17,237,377$ <br />Charges for Service 11,551,045$ -$ 11,551,045$ 11,491,248$ 11,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 44,304$ 11,546,552$ <br />Investment Earnings 265,000$ 265,000$ 265,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 265,000$ <br />Miscellaneous 2,817,629$ 2,817,629$ 2,972,011$ 1,000$ 23,667$ 2,996,678$ <br />Transfers from Other Funds 3,765,600$ 3,765,600$ 3,775,600$ 10,000$ 3,785,600$ <br />Fund Balance 9,769,060$ 1,313,300$ 11,082,360$ 11,143,693$ 11,143,693$ <br />Total General Fund Revenues 219,656,033$ 1,313,300$ 220,969,333$ 222,323,370$ 25,111$ -$ -$ 10,000$ -$ 1,000$ -$ -$ -$ 23,667$ -$ 44,304$ 222,427,452$ <br /> <br />Expenditures <br />Support Services 14,101,197$ 259,608$ 14,360,805$ 14,360,805$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 14,360,805$ <br />General Government 21,638,717$ 49,113$ 21,687,830$ 21,687,830$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 21,687,830$ <br />Community Services 14,331,974$ 164,719$ 14,496,693$ 14,557,618$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 44,304$ 14,601,922$ <br />Human Services 37,508,468$ 390,154$ 37,898,622$ 38,565,279$ 25,111$ -$ -$ 10,000$ -$ 1,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 38,601,390$ <br />Public Safety 25,583,899$ 449,706$ 26,033,605$ 26,141,155$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 23,667$ -$ -$ 26,164,822$ <br />Education 104,991,508$ 104,991,508$ 104,991,508$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 104,991,508$ <br />Transfers Out 1,500,270$ 1,500,270$ 2,019,175$ 2,019,175$ <br />Total General Fund Appropriation 219,656,033$ 1,313,300$ 220,969,333$ 222,323,370$ 25,111$ -$ -$ 10,000$ -$ 1,000$ -$ -$ -$ 23,667$ -$ 44,304$ 222,427,452$ <br />-$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ <br />Visitors Bureau Fund <br />Revenues <br />Occupancy Tax 1,278,341$ 1,278,341$ 1,278,341$ 1,278,341$ <br />Sales and Fees 500$ 500$ 500$ 93,755$ 94,255$ <br />Intergovernmental 230,330$ 230,330$ 236,913$ 236,913$ <br />Investment Earnings 100$ 100$ 100$ 100$ <br />Miscellaneous -$ -$ 2,000$ 1,234$ 3,234$ <br />Appropriated Fund Balance 118,588$ 4,000$ 122,588$ 323,588$ 323,588$ <br />Total Revenues 1,627,859$ 4,000$ 1,631,859$ 1,841,442$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 93,755$ 1,234$ -$ -$ -$ 1,936,431$ <br />Expenditures <br />Community and Environment 1,627,859$ 4,000$ 1,631,859$ 1,841,442$ 93,755$ 1,234$ 1,936,431$ <br />County Capital Project Fund <br />Revenues <br />Transfer From the General Fund 320,000$ 320,000$ 518,000$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 518,000$ <br />Transfer From E911 Fund -$ -$ -$ -$ <br />Medicaid Maximization Funds -$ -$ 34,664$ 34,664$ <br />Total Revenues 320,000$ -$ 320,000$ 518,000$ -$ -$ 34,664$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 552,664$ <br />Expenditures <br />County Capital Projects 320,000$ 320,000$ 518,000$ -$ -$ 34,664$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 552,664$ <br />10