Minutes 02-22-2018 Hillsborough
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 02-22-2018 Hillsborough
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Last modified
3/11/2019 2:52:36 PM
Creation date
3/22/2018 12:00:59 PM
Meeting Type
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Agenda Item
3/20/18; 8-a
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Agenda - 02-22-2018 BOCC-Hillsborough Board of Commissioners Joint Meeting
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2018\Agenda - 02-22-2018 Hillsborough
Agenda - 02-22-2018 Abstract -Joint Meeting Discussion Items
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8 <br /> <br />Sherrill Hampton said both Superintendents were in the meeting, and one parcel was <br />mentioned. She said she is not at liberty to send this out now, but when ready she will let the <br />Manager pass on this information. <br />Town Commissioner Ferguson said she is very glad this need is being considered, and <br />she hopes that something comes of it. <br />Commissioner McKee asked if new developments are required to provide a certain <br />percentage of affordable housing. <br />Margaret Hauth said the Town does not have a policy for affordable housing, but it <br />negotiates case by case with each developer. She said there is no overall percentage, and it <br />is different for each development with some providing acreage and others provide payment in <br />lieu. <br />Sherrill Hampton said one of the topics that came up in the collaborative meeting were <br />standards of requirements for affordable housing throughout the jurisdictions, as well as transit <br />as it relates to affordable housing. <br />Commissioner McKee said it is encouraging to hear that all are working collaboratively, <br />as this makes more sense and should lead to greater results. <br />Mayor Stevens said his board values affordable housing, but Hillsborough only has a <br />major development every 6 years or so, and it has seemed better to take each development as <br />it comes, as opposed to setting a particular standard. <br />Mayor Stevens said affordability is one of the issues that will be the Town’s greatest <br />challenges going forward. <br />Commissioner Rich asked if the Town’s affordable housing negotiations include the <br />requirement of the same amenities as regular housing receives. <br />Margaret Hauth said yes, as much as possible. <br />Commissioner Rich asked if the Town’s affordable housing include some units that are <br />ADA compliant. <br />Margaret Hauth said that is more from the provider’s viewpoint, and the Town does not <br />have any specifics like that in its ordinance. <br /> <br />e) Parks <br /> <br />Margaret Hauth reviewed the following information: <br />Background: <br />Orange County has expressed an interest in forging partnerships with Town governments to <br />leverage investments in park creation. The Town is interested in acquiring an existing private <br />facility and expanding the scope of services available to the whole community. A partnership <br />with the County may help this project occur on a quicker schedule. <br />Margaret Hauth said the Exchange Club approached the Town two years ago, and <br />expressed some interest in transferring ownership of the park to the Town. She said a <br />financial agreement has yet to be reached. She said the park has some significant needs, but <br />would be a good location for basketball courts, a skate park, and disc golf. She said the Town <br />does not have the resources for this acquisition, and hopes there may be some way to share <br />the financial burden of building this park with the County. <br />Chair Dorosin asked if more specifics could be provided about the park. <br />Stephanie Trueblood said the pool is a separate parcel, and the Hillsborough Youth <br />Athletic Association (HYAA) leases the baseball fields. She said the Town is talking about the <br />green space between the pool and the building, which includes: a parking lot, restrooms, picnic <br />shelter, and a run down play structure, totaling about 6 acres. She said there may be more <br />space on the other side of a creek, which would lend itself to a disc golf area, mountain biking
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