Minutes 02-22-2018 Hillsborough
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 02-22-2018 Hillsborough
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Last modified
3/11/2019 2:52:36 PM
Creation date
3/22/2018 12:00:59 PM
Meeting Type
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Agenda Item
3/20/18; 8-a
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Agenda - 02-22-2018 BOCC-Hillsborough Board of Commissioners Joint Meeting
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Agenda - 02-22-2018 Abstract -Joint Meeting Discussion Items
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13 <br /> <br />Travis Myren said yes. <br />Mayor Stevens said it would also not be zoned for retail. He said the Town has already <br />extended the water and sewer boundary agreement, contingent on the land use agreement. <br />Margaret Hauth said the Town held the public hearing about designating the future land <br />use, and it is cued up for the board to make a decision by the end of March. She said if the <br />BOCC may not go forward with this land use designation, then the Town board can stop its <br />process, and let the water and sewer boundary amendment lapse. She said this is not <br />necessarily a recommendation, but is just another option for moving forward. <br />Chair Dorosin said the pause does not imply that the proposal has been abandoned, <br />but rather is due to what the BOCC heard in the public hearing about the lack of adequate <br />public notification, what was happening and what could happen. He said the pause is to look <br />at this again, and determine how to better communicate with the residents. He said the <br />economic development use is still the model for this parcel, but the BOCC would like to start <br />the community engagement and education process anew. He said part of the problem is that <br />the district was set up a long time ago, and then nothing happened. <br />Commissioner Burroughs said the public is now informed, and a long pause is not <br />necessary, and suggested that the process keeps moving forward at a reasonable pace. <br />Mayor Stevens said this item will come to the Town board at the end of March, and <br />suggested that the Town go ahead and continue their process. <br />Town Commissioner Bell said because the County has paused, it has deescalated the <br />importance from the Town’s perspective, and he suggested waiting to hear from the County. <br />May or Stevens said one option is for the Town to proceed, which would involve another <br />public hearing <br />Margaret Hauth said if the Town does not continue the process, then enough time <br />would pass where the Town would have to re-conduct the public hearing. <br />Town Commissioner Mark Bell said he is hearing that the County may pause for a <br />while, and another public hearing may be needed 1 to 4 quarters from now, which would just <br />be an extra hour of their joint time, which is not an impactful burden. <br />Travis Myren said the County would intend to complete the additional public education <br />over the summer, and be ready to continue the process in the fall. <br />Mayor Stevens asked if the preference would be for the Town to continue. <br />Travis Myren said yes. <br />Margaret Hauth asked if the Town board wants to proceed with the process at the end <br />of March. <br />The Town Board agreed to proceed with its processes. <br /> <br />Commissioner Rich said she got a call from a resident in Waterstone, who asked if the <br />“W elcome to Hillsborough” sign could be moved further toward the Waterstone area, or if <br />additional signs could be put up to make more people feel welcome as they enter the area. <br />Margaret Hauth said the sign was nowhere near the Town limits when it was built, but it <br />was a convenient location and there was a willing property owner. She said staff will review <br />this, but that is an old sign, and is probably too old and too heavy to move. She said it has to <br />go on private property, and not in the right of way, and if staff receives direction to work on <br />this, staff would find locations to put additional signs. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said Commissioner Jacobs is receiving the Sportswriter of the <br />Year award tonight in Raleigh, and was unable to attend this meeting. <br /> <br />The meeting adjourned at 9:17 p.m. <br /> <br />Mark Dorosin, Chair
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