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9 <br /> <br />Gap <br />Total Estimated Funding Gap (2,798,755) <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Dr. Todd Wirt said there is a $3.4 million shortfall, which does not include keeping pace <br />with $15/hour living wage, which would add an additional $350,000. He said OCS has frozen <br />many positions throughout the year as cost cutting measures, which resulted in a savings of <br />about $350,000 for this year. He said some of these positions will have to be filled moving <br />forward. <br />Dr. Todd Wirt said OCS felt it was important to bring this information forward as the <br />County approaches its budget season. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if there could be greater clarification regarding the charter <br />school funding gap. <br /> Dr. Todd Wirt said OCS is funded based on the previous year’s enrollment of 617 <br />charter school students, when there are actually 768 students enrolled in charter schools this <br />year. He said there is a gap between the funding that OCS must find. <br />Dr. Todd Wirt said there could be a gap again, and maybe it will be better to fund <br />charter students on a conservative projection, as the number of charter students continues to <br />increase. <br />Commissioner McKee said he would have assumed it would have increased the deficit <br />rather than decrease it. <br />Dr. Todd Wirt said what is being taken out is what that gap feeds in. <br />Commissioner Price asked if OCS could indicate in its budget the positions that will not <br />earn the living wage of $15.00. <br />Dr. Todd Wirt said he expects this would be included that in their budget presentation. <br />Commissioner Jacobs said the new federal tax law also pays for private school for <br />students, and asked if OCS is tracking all of these changes that are draining off the funds for <br />the public schools. <br />Dr. Todd Wirt said OCS does track that data, and can present it to the Board of County <br />Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Rich asked if all of the charter school students attend charter schools in <br />Orange County. <br />Dr. Wirt said the vast majority goes to charter schools in Orange County. <br />Commissioner Rich asked if the same amount of money is sent to charter schools <br />outside of Orange County. <br />Rhonda Rath, OCS Chief Financial Officer, said yes. She said about 25% of OCS <br />students attend charter schools outside of Orange County. <br />Dr. Todd Wirt said a charter school in another county receives more funding for an <br />OCS student, than it does for students from its own county. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos asked if the economic effects of homeschooling are known. <br />Dr. Todd Wirt said the main economic effect is that OCS does not receive state or local <br />funding for students who are homeschooled. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said families that homeschool their children, still pay taxes, <br />and thus this should have a positive economic effect. <br />Dr. Todd Wirt said the schools benefit from local taxes being paid by homeschooling <br />families, but the state does not provide any funding for these students. <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said taxes are generated to pay for other kids.