Orange County NC Website
8 <br /> <br />Chair Dorosin said he would like to know when the cameras will be turned on or off, <br />and how this decision is made. He clarified that the $300,000 is the cost of the equipment, <br />and asked if there is a cost estimate for the data storage. <br />Vendor said the $300,000 includes both the device and the back end storage for 5 <br />years. <br />Chair Dorosin asked if the policy will address how long information be kept, and how <br />and when things are deleted. <br />Sheriff Blackwood said the policy will address this, and it is open for discussion. <br />Chair Dorosin said it is a complicated situation. <br />Sheriff Blackwood said sometimes it takes months for concerns to come to light, and <br />the policy addresses this. <br />Chair Dorosin asked if the BOCC would review the policy, and if there are questions or <br />concerns, Sheriff Blackwood can come back for further discussion. He said this is an <br />expected budget request for FY2018-19. <br /> <br />c. FY2018-19 Orange County Schools Continuation Budget <br />The Board received an update on the current continuation budget projections for the <br />FY2018-19 Orange County Schools (OCS) budget. <br /> Chair Dorosin reviewed the background information below: <br />BACKGROUND: <br />During the last collaboration meeting of the three Boards, Orange County Schools requested <br />the opportunity to appear before the Board of County Commissioners prior to the official start <br />of the budget process. The request is an effort to be transparent with information early in the <br />process so that the Board of County Commissioners is aware of the current reality in Orange <br />County Schools. Orange County Schools faces a budget shortfall due to declining enrollment, <br />state mandated salary increases, and state mandated changes to class size ratios at <br />kindergarten through third grade. <br /> <br /> Dr. Todd Wirt, OCS Superintendent, said he is glad to be able to give the Board an <br />early overview of where OCS is now. He said there is a handout in the abstract and he walked <br />the BOCC through this sheet. He reviewed the per pupil amounts, and fund balance <br />appropriations that his Board has made. <br />Dr. Todd Wirt said it is possible that Department of Public Instruction (DPI) projections <br />for enrollment may be received by the end of the week. He said charter school enrollments <br />have increased, and OCS is working hard to counter this change. <br />Dr. Todd Wirt referred to the bottom 1/3 of the page: <br /> <br />HB 13 Class Size <br />Mandate <br /> $870,000 (12 teachers) <br />State Mandated <br />Increases <br /> $1,200,000 <br />Loss of State <br />Teacher Funding <br />- <br />725,000 (10 <br />positions) <br /> <br />Total Continuation <br />Budget <br />33,280,226$ 36,075,226 <br /> <br />Estimated Local <br />Revenue Shortfall <br /> (3,401,396) <br />Charter School Funding - (602,641)