Orange County NC Website
6 <br /> <br />testing, the Deputies determined that products offered by Motorola Solutions are best suited <br />for use by the Sheriff’s Office. Amanda Barringer with Wireless, NC will make a presentation to <br />the Board on Motorola’s Digital Evidence Management Solutions (DEMS), which includes the <br />SI-500 Body Camera and Command Central Vault. <br /> <br />Sheriff Blackwood said Amanda Barringer is very ill, and unable to attend, but she laid <br />the foundation for this presentation. He said he is very pleased with the options available to <br />the County. He said technology moves so quickly that the solution being presented this <br />evening was not available when this discussion started. He said the cost is expected to be <br />$200,000 less than budgeted. He said initially this was a partial implementation, but now a full <br />implementation and back up is expected to be more financially attainable, which is very <br />pleasing. He said a test of the solution was conducted, and input was gathered from various <br />stakeholders. He said many previous concerns have been satisfied. He showed a video of <br />law BOCC of law enforcement describing its experience with the equipment. <br /> Sheriff Blackwood said the vetting process was well worthwhile, and the residents <br />stand to benefit the most from this equipment. <br /> Scott Hurt, Mobile Communications America, introduced his team: Mike Costa, Solution <br />Expert Specialist, and Joe Freedman, Solution Architect. <br />Mike Costa thanked the BOCC for its time, and highlighted the unique features and <br />capabilities of the product. He reviewed the following PowerPoint presentation: <br /> <br />Orange County Sheriff’s Office <br />Si500 <br /> <br />Command Central Value <br />• Situational Awareness <br />• Analytics and Investigation <br />• Records and Content Management <br /> <br />Si500 Video Speaker Microphone <br />SSI 500 and Command Central Vault- products being shown to the Board of Commissioners <br /> <br />Si500 Multiple Devices <br />Si500: 3 in one device consolidating officer hardware <br />• Body worn camera <br />• Advanced noise cancelling microphone <br />• Smart hand held device <br /> <br />Motorola Rugged Purpose Built <br />User interface and Work Flow <br /> <br />Wearability Options <br /> <br />Sample District or Precinct Deployment <br /> <br />Command Central Vault <br />Operations Simplified <br />Simplified Management: <br />• Advanced end-to-end content management