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15 <br /> <br />which start on Attachment 9, on page 220. The items in the green document <br />are that they have met the requirements of our ordinance, state law, etc. And <br />then the items in orange are the legal advertisements required by our <br />ordinance and state law. That’s on page 221. The specific standards, which <br />are required for this type of issuance of the SUP: waste disposal safety, <br />vehicular access, on page 222. Then you have your standards of evaluation, <br />which run through page 223. I believe that you can have a consideration and a <br />motion to affirm those findings. And then on the last page, those are the ones <br />with each special use permit, our recommendation that you will or will not <br />approve or deny each one of those, and make those three separate <br />recommendations. <br /> <br />Chair Dorosin: Great. We will note for the record that in the column that says “Planning <br />Board/ staff recommendations” on all of these, it’s a yes, that they’ve been met. <br /> <br />Patrick Mallett: It is, yes. And that’s attachment number 4. <br /> <br />10. Chair will ask the Planning Board Chair/Vice-chair (if present) to offer any additional <br />comment(s) on the Planning Board’s review/recommendation. <br />NONE <br /> <br />11. Chair will ask if there are any other questions for staff, the applicant, or other <br />individual(s) who have offered testimony/evidence. <br />NONE <br /> <br />John Roberts: If we could just get an affirmative statement from the Applicant that the <br />Applicant has been presented with, and understands the conditions that are being <br />recommended here. <br /> <br />Brian Quinlan: We’ve seen the conditions attached to the permit, and we acknowledge them. <br /> <br />12. A motion will need to be made to close the public hearing. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner McKee to <br />close the public hearing. <br /> <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> <br />NOTE – once this is done there can be no additional public comment made. Staff, <br />the applicant, Planning Board member(s), or others offering evidence during the <br />hearing cannot answer questions or provide additional detail. <br /> <br />13. The BOCC will first need to take action on the Special Use Permit findings of fact. The <br />findings of fact have been organized per relevant UDO section to aid in making motions <br />to approve or deny. The cadence on taking action should be as follows <br /> <br />a. A motion was made by Commissioner Burroughs, seconded by Commissioner <br />Price to affirm the recommendation of the Planning Board and Staff concerning <br />the application’s compliance with the provisions of Section(s) 2.2 and 2.7.3 of the