Agenda - 01-24-2005-9c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 01-24-2005
Agenda - 01-24-2005-9c
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14 <br />There are three banks that manage the card reader technology for fueling <br />stations of this type, and in each case the banks bill the entity or user, including <br />bank charges that are added to the bill. <br />Staff has examined the possibility of public access to the CNG station at the <br />Public Works site. Although it is not immediately adjacent to interstate highways, <br />the site is within 5 miles and 10 minutes of exits on 1 -40/85 and 1 -85. The fueling <br />station at Public Works is located outside of the Public Works facility gates, so <br />vehicular access to the site would be possible (EMS, OPT and Sheriff's vehicles <br />fuel after hours). <br />The potential for allowing access for government, commercial and private <br />vehicles does appear to exist, and the Work Group would propose that access be <br />allowed on either a limited or 24/7 basis, assuming that liability and logistical <br />issues can be worked out. If access is allowed, the pump and card reader could <br />be allowed to run 24/7, or could be turned off at the close of business day if <br />desired. The heavy - plated pumps, storage units and compressors associated <br />with CNG fueling do not appear to add any additional vandalism or fire risk. If a <br />leak were to occur, the primarily- methane CNG dissipates into the atmosphere, <br />unless the leak occurs in a unventilated building. <br />3. Possible Timetable of Activities <br />As noted previously, one condition of the $25,000 grant from the Clean Cities <br />Coalition is the encumbrance of funds must occur by June 30, 2005. This will <br />mean that the project will need to proceed without delay as soon as practicable. <br />One timetable staff has identified for the project would be as follows: <br />January 2005 <br />Board receives CNG Work Group report <br />February 2005 <br />Board approves siting recommendation and <br />authorizes engineering drawings and bid solicitation <br />March 2005 <br />Town of Hillsborough site plan approval (21 days) <br />April 2005 <br />Bids received and contract awarded by BOCC <br />May 2005 <br />Building permits (Orange County Planning and <br />Inspections) <br />June 2005 <br />Construction begins <br />September 2005 <br />Construction ends <br />October 2005 <br />CNG fueling Station open for use <br />4. Future AFV Issues - On the Horizon <br />Because the field of AFV technology is rapidly changing, it remains difficult to <br />predict with certainty what sort of technology will emerge in future years. For the <br />last several years, governments and industries that have begun branching into <br />AFV's have been advised to not "put all of your eggs in one basket." Electric <br />
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