Agenda - 03-22-2018 Abstract for Joint Meeting Discussion Items
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-22-2018 Chapel Hill
Agenda - 03-22-2018 Abstract for Joint Meeting Discussion Items
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3/20/2018 10:40:07 AM
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3/20/2018 10:42:42 AM
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Agenda - 03-22-2018 Joint Meeting - Orange County Board of Commissioners and Chapel Hill Town Council
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2018\Agenda - 03-22-2018 Chapel Hill
Minutes 03-22-2018 Chapel Hill
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<br /> <br />• On March 20, staff will propose two options for relocation services and <br />assistance to the Board of Orange County Commissioners. One option would <br />assist residents in locating alternative affordable housing in existing multifamily <br />units dedicated to serving low and very low income individuals and families. <br />The other options would initiate a contract with Empowerment Inc. to provide <br />Relocation Coordinator Services including serving as a property manager for <br />new manufactured housing units. <br /> <br />The Town of Chapel Hill continues to implement the Lakeview Strategy. The Town <br />has held two meetings with Lakeview residents, and is in the process of development <br />housing options for Council consideration based on the input from residents. <br />Additionally, the Planning Department is conducting an analysis of publicly owned <br />land parcels. An update will be provided to the Town Council in March. <br /> <br />Staff will provide any other information at the meeting, and the governing boards can <br />discuss issues related to this item as necessary. <br /> <br />No Attachments <br /> <br /> <br />f) Green Tract <br /> <br />The Greene Tract is a 164 acre parcel of which 104 acres is jointly owned by Orange <br />County, Chapel Hill, and Carrboro. The remaining sixty (60) acres is owned by <br />Orange County and has been designated as the Headwaters Preserve. <br /> <br />In late 2016, the owners of the jointly owned portion of the Greene Tract agreed to <br />have the Town Mayors and Board Chair consider different preservation and <br />development options for the property. This discussion resulted in three alternatives <br />that illustrate high, medium, and low development intensities. All of the alternatives <br />include an elementary school site, a site for a future park, the preservation of <br />significant environmental and cultural areas, and a preliminary road network and <br />infrastructure design. The three alternatives also consider the project area’s current <br />environmental conditions, elements of the 2002 Joint Governments Resolution, the <br />Rogers Road Task Force report, the Mapping Our Community’s Future report, and <br />previous land use discussions. These three alternatives are contained in Attachment <br />5f-3. <br /> <br />In addition to the high, medium, and low development intensity scenarios, the Mayors <br />and Chair requested an examination of the entire Greene Tract, including the <br />Headwaters Preserve, in an effort to preserve the most environmentally sensitive <br />areas and to develop the most appropriate areas of the entire 164 acre Tract. As a <br />result, staff amended the proposed conceptual plan, reconfiguring the Headwaters <br />Preserve and the jointly owned areas. This reconfiguration maintains the same total <br />acreage for each of the areas but aligns them differently. The reconfigured tracts <br />were drafted with environmental staff from the Town of Chapel Hill, the Town of <br />Carrboro, and Orange County in order to create new parcels which endeavored to <br />protect environmental features and habitats located on site. The proposed <br />9
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