2018-093-E AMS - Century Slate Company Replace roof at SDC
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2018-093-E AMS - Century Slate Company Replace roof at SDC
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Last modified
7/23/2019 4:25:01 PM
Creation date
3/19/2018 5:26:12 PM
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Agreement - Construction
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R 2018-093 AMS - Century Slate Company Replace roof at SDC
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DocuSign Envelope ID: B49FB256 -4ADF- 4759- AF63- 134AD44FC239 <br />Contractor's Safety Record Information <br />The Contractor's safety record shall be reviewed and evaluated in addition to other quality and <br />performance criteria as part of bid evaluation process. Failure to provide the requested <br />information and documentation may result in rejection of your bid as non - responsive. <br />Accordingly, all bidders must submit the following information regarding their safety record. <br />The following definitions shall apply to this section: <br />"DART incident rate" — Acronym for "Days Away, Restrictions and Transfers ". The <br />DART incident rate may be used to show the relative level of injuries and illnesses within <br />a firm compared to the industry. It is based only on those injuries and illnesses severe <br />enough to warrant "Days Away, Restrictions and Transfers ". The DART incident rate is <br />calculated using OSHA's Form 300 and the following formula: <br />((Number of entries in column H (days away from work) + column I (job transfer or <br />restriction) x 200,000) / (Number of hours worked by all employees) = DART Incident <br />rate. <br />"EMR" — Acronym for "Experience Modification Rate," is an indicator of a contractor's <br />past safety performance, widely used by the insurance industry as an equitable means of <br />determining premiums for workers' compensation insurance. The rating system considers <br />the average workers' compensation losses for a given firm's type of work and amount of <br />payroll and predicts the dollar amount of expected losses to be paid by that employer in a <br />designated rating period, usually three years. The rating is based on comparison of firms <br />doing similar types of work, and the employer is rated against the average expected <br />performance in each work classification. Losses incurred by the employer for the rating <br />period are then compared to the expected losses to develop an experience rating. <br />"OSHA" — Acronym for the Federal Occupational Health and Safety Administration. <br />The term "OSHA" as used in this Policy also refers to any state or local agency having <br />jurisdictional authorization to enforce worker safety requirements and assess fines or <br />warnings for violation of worker safety standards. <br />1. OSHA DART Incident Rate. Provide the bidder's DART Incident Rate <br />calculated from OSHA's Form 300 for the last three years and the other required <br />information shown in the example table below. The bidder must attach all supporting <br />documentation and calculations including certified OSHA forms. <br />
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