Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: B49FB256 -4ADF- 4759- AF63- 134AD44FC239 <br />While MBEs are not required to become certified in order to participate in this program, <br />it is recommended that they become certified and should take advantage of the <br />appropriate technical assistance that is made available. In addition, MBEs who are <br />contacted by owners or bidders must respond promptly whether or not they wish to <br />submit a bid. <br />SECTION 4: DISPUTE PROCEDURES <br />It is the policy of this County that disputes between an agency and another person that involve a <br />person's rights, duties, or privileges should be settled through informal procedures. To that end, <br />MBE disputes arising under these guidelines should be resolved, if possible, by informal <br />proceedings arranged by the Owner. <br />