Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: B49FB256 -4ADF- 4759- AF63- 134AD44FC239 <br />The owner will: <br />a. Attend the scheduled prebid conference. <br />b. Identify or determine those work areas of a contract where MBEs may have an <br />interest in performing contract work. <br />C. At Ieast ten (10) days prior to the scheduled day of bid opening, the Owner will <br />notify certified MBEs of potential contracting opportunities listed in the proposal. <br />The notification will include the following: <br />I. A description of the work for which the bid is being solicited. <br />2. The date, time and location where bids are to be submitted. <br />3. The name of the individual within the agency/institution who will be <br />available to answer questions about the proiect. <br />4. Where bid documents may be reviewed. <br />5. Any special requirements that may exist, such as insurance, licenses, <br />bonds and financial arrangements. <br />If there are more than three (3) certified MBEs in the general locality of the project who <br />offer similar contracting or subcontracting services in the specific trade, the Owner shall <br />notify three (3) , but may contact more, if the Owner so desires. <br />d. Maintain documentation of any contacts, correspondence, or conversations with <br />MBE firms made in an attempt to meet the goals. <br />2. Prime Contractor <br />Under the single prime contract system, the prime contractor will_ <br />a. Attend the scheduled prebid conference. <br />b. Identify or determine those work areas of a contract where MBEs may have an <br />interest in performing contract work. <br />C. At least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled day of bid opening, notify certified <br />MBEs of potential contracting opportunities listed in the proposal. The <br />notification will include the following: <br />1. A description of the work for which the bid is being solicited. <br />2. The date, time and location where bids are to be submitted. <br />3. The name of the 'individual within the agency/institution who will be <br />available to answer questions about the project. <br />4. Where bid documents may be reviewed.. <br />5. Any special requirements that may exist, such as insurance, licenses, <br />bonds and financial arrangements. <br />If there are more than three (3) certified MBEs in the general locality of the project who <br />offer similar contracting or subcontracting services in the specific trade, the Contractor <br />shall notify three (3) , but may contact more, if the Contractor so desires. <br />d. During the bidding process, comply with the contractor(s) requirements listed in <br />the proposal for minority participation. <br />e. Submit with the bid a description of that portion of the work to be executed by <br />MBEs expressed as a percentage of the total price. <br />f. Identify the MBEs the bidder intends to use on the contract, along with the dollar <br />amount of the work to be performed by each minority business. <br />g. Submit an affidavit that details the good faith efforts taken to procure minority <br />business participation. <br />h. Upon being named the apparent low bidder, the bidder shall provide the necessary <br />