Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: B49FB256 -4ADF- 4759- AF63- 134AD44FC239 <br />GUIDELINES FOR RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION OF MINORITY BUSINESSES <br />These guidelines were adapted for use on this project by the County of Orange from the <br />"Guidelines for Recruitment and Selection of Minority Businesses for Participation in State <br />Construction Office Projects ", developed by the State Construction Office. <br />In accordance with G.S. 143 -128.2 (SB 914 ratified December 6, 2001), the County of Orange <br />has enacted a verifiable ten percent (10 %) minority business participation goal for the total <br />monetary value of this project. These guidelines are published to accomplish that end. <br />SECTION 1; INTENT <br />It is the intent of these guidelines that the County of Orange, as awarding authority for <br />construction projects, and the contractors and subcontractors performing the construction <br />contracts awarded shall cooperate and in good faith do all things legal, proper and reasonable to <br />achieve the statutory goal of ten percent for participation by minority 'businesses in each <br />construction project permitted by SB 914. Nothing contained in these guidelines shall be <br />considered to require awarding authorities to award contracts or to make purchase of materials or <br />equipment from minority - business contractors who do not submit the lowest responsible bid or <br />bids. <br />SECTION 2: DEFINITIONS <br />Minority - a person who is a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States and <br />who is: <br />a. Black, that is, a person having origins in any of the black racial groups in Africa; <br />b. Hispanic, that is, a person of Spanish or Portuguese culture with origins in <br />Mexico, South or Central America, or the Caribbean Islands, regardless of race; <br />C. Asian American, that is, a person having origins in any of the original peoples of <br />the Far East, Southeast Asia and Asia, the Indian subcontinent, the Pacific <br />Islands; <br />d. American Indian or Alaskan Native, that is , a person having origins in any of the <br />original peoples of North America; <br />e. Female. <br />f. "Socially disadvantaged individual ", as defined in 15 U.S.C. 637. These are <br />individuals who have "been subjected to racial or ethnic prejudice or cultural bias <br />because of their identify as a member of a group without regard to their individual <br />qualities "; or <br />g. "Economically disadvantaged individual" as defined in 15 U.S.C. 637. This is an <br />individual "whose ability to compete in the free enterprise system has been <br />impaired due to diminished capital and credit opportunities as compared to others <br />in the same business who are not socially disadvantaged." <br />2. Minority Business - means a business: <br />a. In which at least fifty -one percent (51 %) is owned by one or more minority <br />persons, or in the case of a corporation, in which at least fifty -one percent (51 %) <br />of the stock is owned by one or more minority persons; and <br />