2018-093-E AMS - Century Slate Company Replace roof at SDC
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2018-093-E AMS - Century Slate Company Replace roof at SDC
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Last modified
7/23/2019 4:25:01 PM
Creation date
3/19/2018 5:26:12 PM
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Contract Document Type
Agreement - Construction
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R 2018-093 AMS - Century Slate Company Replace roof at SDC
\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\Contract Routing Sheets\Routing Sheets\2018
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DocuSign Envelope ID: B49FB256 -4ADF- 4759- AF63- 134AD44FC239 <br />INSTRUCTION'S TO BIDDERS <br />For a Proposal to be considered, it must be made in accordance with the following instructions: <br />1. PROPOSALS <br />Proposals must be made in strict accordance with the "Form of Proposals" provided therefore, and all <br />blank spaces for Bids, Alternates and Unit Prices shall be properly filled in. When requested <br />Alternates are not bid, the Proposals may be considered incomplete. Bidders agree that Bids on <br />Forms of Proposals detached from specifications will be considered and will have the same force and <br />effect as if attached hereto. Numbers shall be stated both in writing and in figures for Base Bids and <br />any Alternates. <br />Any Modification to the Form of Proposal {including Alternates and/or Unit Prices} may disqualify <br />the Bid and may cause the Bid to be rejected. <br />The Contractor shall fill in the Form of Proposal as follows: <br />A. If the documents are executed by a sole Owner, that fact shall be evidenced by the word <br />"Owner" appearing after the name of the person. <br />B. If the documents are executed by a Partnership, that fact shall be evidenced by the work "Co- <br />Partner" appearing after the name of the partner executing them. <br />C. If the documents are executed on the part of a Corporation, they shall be executed by either <br />the President or the Vice - President and attested by the Secretary or Assistant Secretary in <br />either case, and the title of the office of such person shall appear after their signatures. The <br />sea] of the Corporation shall be impressed on each signature page of the documents. <br />D. If the Proposal is made by a Joint Venture, it shall be executed by each member of the Joint <br />Venture in the above form for sole Owner, Partnership, or Corporation, whichever form is <br />applicable. <br />E. All signatures shall be properly witnessed. <br />F, Proposal shall be addressed as indicated and shall be delivered enclosed in an opaque sealed <br />enveloped, marked "Proposal" and bearing the name of project, name and address of the <br />Bidder, the Bidders's license number and, if applicable, the designated portion of the Work for <br />which Bid is submitted. <br />G. It shall be the specific responsibility of the Bidder to deliver this Bid to the proper official at <br />the appointed place and prior to the announced time for the opening of Bids. Late delivery of <br />a Bid for any reason, including delivery by the united States Mail, shall disqualify the Bid, <br />H. Modifications of previously deposited Bids will be acceptable only if delivered in writing to <br />the place of the Bid opening prior to the time for opening Bids. <br />I. Unit prices quoted in the Proposal shall include overhead and profit and shall be the full <br />compensation for the Contractor's cost involved in the work. <br />Page 1 of 4 <br />
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