Orange County NC Website
q <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Board of County Commissioners <br />John Link, County Manager <br />FROM: David Stancil, E&a:RC Director <br />DATE: January 24, 2005 <br />RE: Twin Creeks (Moniese Nomp) Park and Educational Campus - <br />Follow-Up from December 6 Discussion <br />On December 6, 2004 the Board received a follow-up report from staff on a number of <br />questions related to the Twin Creeks site, which is located near Old 86 and Eubanks <br />Road north of Carrboro. At that time, the Board also received information about - and a <br />preliminary staff analysis of - a proposed citizen alternative layout (Citizen Plan #3). <br />The Board asked that staff return on.January 24th with the following information: <br />1. An assessment of the feasibility of a redesign process for the site based on <br />principles introduced in Citizen Plan #3 <br />2. Projections for potential users of park facilities at the site, including traffic <br />estimates <br />3, Further research into the costs of extending water and sewer to the site (and <br />evaluation of potential cost savings with a redesigned layout) <br />4. Additional information on the "action sports" concepts mentioned at the <br />December meeting by citizen speakers <br />1. Next Steps / Feasibility of a Redesign Process Based on Plan #3 <br />The proposed Citizen Plan #3 would rearrange the park and schools campus by placing <br />the schools campus in the southern portion of the site designated for park use, and <br />moving park uses to the northern "schools campus" area. Materials received regarding <br />this proposal, along with a preliminary assessment of the pros and cons of such an <br />approach, were provided on December 6`h and are included as Attachment 4 to this <br />document <br />Before considering the potential for options for proceeding with this project, and the <br />potential for redesign, a brief bit of background may be useful on the project to date: <br /> <br />Date <br />June 2001 Activity <br />Properties acquired (193 acres) <br />November 2001 Preliminary Concept Plan identifying areas for schools and park <br />approved by Board <br />February-April 2002 Discussion and revision of proposed Master Plan process <br />- <br />May 14, 2002 Master Plan Process adopted (including Preliminary Concept Plan and