Orange County NC Website
At the Board's December 6th meeting, additional information was requested on the following <br />topics: <br />1, An assessment of the feasibility of a redesign process for the site based on principles <br />introduced in Citizen Plan #3 <br />2. Projections for potential users of park facilities at the site, including traffic estimates <br />3. Further research into the costs of extending water and sewer to the site (and evaluation <br />of potential cost savings with a redesigned layout) <br />4, Additional information on the "action sports" concepts mentioned at the December <br />meeting by citizen speakers <br />The attached staff report dated January 21, 2004 includes information on these topics. In <br />summary, the main points of the report are: <br />• Staff has identified three possible courses of action for moving ahead or considering <br />redesign options, listed in order of time delays and complexity: <br />o Option A - proceed with one of the existing plans, with minor modifications as <br />identified by the Board (this would result in an estimated Phase 1 park opening in <br />42 months after approval of Master Plan) <br />o Option B - engage in a limited scope moderate redesign, with a 6-member short- <br />term ad hoc work group of Commissioners, parks and recreation representatives, <br />and School Board members (results in estimated Phase 1 park opening at 44 <br />months from approval of master plan) <br />o Option C-1 - a full redesign of the site, using the principles of seamless transition <br />("no boundaries") and location of compatible uses without regard to ownership, <br />going back to the site constraints map (results in estimated Phase 1 of park <br />opening at 46-50 months from approval of master plan) <br />o Option C-2 - an assessment of whether Plan #3 could be designed as sketched, <br />followed by a full redesign based on Citizen Plan #3 (inverting the proposed park <br />and campus), going back to site constraints map (results in estimated Phase 1 of <br />park opening at 46-50 months from approval of master plan) <br />• Anticipated usage of the full park (all phases as designed) are estimated by the <br />Recreation and Parks Department to be 4,372 maximum daily visitors, with an average <br />"in-season' weekly visitors tally of 10,956, <br />• The Planning Department estimate -- at full buildout of both schools and park (full park <br />plus two schools and a third facility) -- that daily vehicle trips would be 3,155 for <br />weekdays, 1,760 for Saturday and 1,508 for Sunday. <br />• The County Engineer estimates that little cost savings will be realized by reconfiguring <br />the site as per Plan #3 <br />• Action sports facilities information is been compiled by staff, along with pictures of a <br />facility in Greenville, NC (this material to be provided at the meeting) <br />The report also notes that, regardless of the option chosen, at a minimum there are 41 months <br />of activity after approval of a Master Plan - to prepare the Town's permit application (with <br />detailed drawings), secure Town CUP approval, develop construction drawings and bids, and <br />begin/complete construction - for Phase 1 of the park, <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no cost involved in receiving this report and considering the <br />Master Plan for approval. Funding for Phase 1 of Twin Creeks Park was included in the voter- <br />approved 2001 Parks and Open Space bond in the amount of $1.2 million, The County